Los Angelos Chapter 2

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" Ladies And Gentlemen we have now reached LA LAX." The Pilot says over the speaker

"Mike! Mike ! Wake up Mike!" I yell shaking Michael.
" What Mae! I'm sleeping" he groans. I roll tm eyes and shake him harder.
" We here wake up!" I yell one more time pushing him off his seat.
He shakes himself awake mumbling a few words. My mom had a no cursing in public around her policy. She didn't want people to think we were raised wrong.

We laugh it off grabbing our luggage and exiting the plane. Our driver was outside waiting for us already. I was differently a little jet lagged. The whole ride home my mother was on the phone talking to her clients with her lap top in front of her. She hasn't really spoke to us other than asking if we wanted anything from Dunkin' Donuts. There air was crisp. The sun was shinning even for a November fall. The people here are very different. It's like the movies. I can not honestly believe I'm here.

" Hey did you make it? Send me pic :)" ~ Rayven

I smile. I feel my throat closing up. I hold back the tears forming in my eyes. I'm really away from home. Here with fake Hollywood people who's trying to make a name for themselves.

" Guys here's the house!" My mother said pointing to the gate that leads to a beautiful beige two story home. I've never lived in a two story home. We enter the gate and I see the movers putting the boxes inside the house. " They Just arrived 20 minutes ago "we'll have to help put some away. And guys no fighting over rooms." She says giving us a death glare. We nod our heads both exiting the car.

I rush inside and up the stairs and the first room I enter has a bathroom. "Mines !" I yell dropping my suitcases to the ground. I look around the room. It was bigger than the one back home. It was white and had a huge window with an amazing view. I scored a nice one.

" Awwww fuck you grabbed the best one!" My brother yelled. He was breathing hard from running up the stairs.

" Have fun going around to use the bathroom" I mock. He suck his teeth and leaves to find his room."Well let's get to unpacking." I say to myself


Hours later. We're finished. I looked around my room to see if I'm missing anything. There was clearly a theme. Blue and white and black. My computer wasn't set up yet there wasn't any wifi. It was 11pm at night. We ordered pizza which wasn't the greatest but that's besides the point. I just showered and washed my hair. I stared in the mirror trying to tame my long curly hair. I had to start my new school. I'm not going to lie my nerves are through the roof. I decided to put it up in a bun and call it a night.

"Los Angelos Fucking HighSchool. You've got to be kidding me that's the name of this school!" Rayven shouts on the phone. It's currently 6 am and we're getting ready for school. I decided on a middle part with a few curls will do the job. I did I light face just lashes and eyebrows and a touch of lip gloss.

" Yes girl I feel like there's gonna be bunch of stuck up white girls and prissy white boys. I say looking through my closet. I decided on some Grey ripped jeans and this white graphic shirt with some black and white high top converse. I grabbed my bag and went down stairs. My mom was dressed in her suit drinking coffee on the island.

" Michael is driving to school. Please come straight home no funny business I don't want you guys out there in a new state" she says. I nibbled on the plate of eggs she had made on the counter.

" When am I getting my own car." I mumbled.

" Amae'jah don't start with me. We talked about that already you're not ready." She takes a sip of her coffee and checks the time.

" Crap! I'm going to be late. Get to school ! Have a great day. " She gave me a kiss on the forehead and then she was gone. Michael finally makes his way downstairs. He looks around in confusion.

" Where's Mom"? He asked

I rolled my eyes getting up and heading for the door.

" Your Driving Lets Go!"

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