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Your POV:

Today we are going to the first check up. Me and Yanyan walked hand in hand.

I was so nervous "Yan what if there's something wrong with the baby" I said.

"Don't say that everything will be fine" Yanyan said and squeezed my hand.

We arrived at the doctor office. "Go sit down I'll check you in" Yanyan said and walked up to the counter.

I sat down and waited for him to come back. He came back with paperwork so I filled that out.

"Y/n" a nurse called and we stood up and went with her.

We were led to a room and I was told to lay down on the bed there. "How are you feeling to day Y/n" she asked.

"I'm feeling great just a little nervous" I said.

She looked at me and smiled "everyone's a little nervous for their first appointment" she assured me.

She carried on with asking me questions before it was time for the doctor to do the first ultrasound.

"The doctor will be in shortly" she said and left the room. Yanyan could tell I was nervous and brought my hand up to his lips giving my knuckle a quick kiss.

"Hello hello I will be your doctor how are you today" an upbeat guy said as he came in.

"Just a little nervous this is all new to me" I said with a nervous smile.

"Well I hope this is a good first pregnancy for you then" the doctor said "by the way I'm Dr. Miles".

"Like as in Amber Miles' dad" I said and he nodded.

I smiled now knowing that I had a doctor I kinda knew.

"Okay let's get this ultrasound done" he said "if you don't mind lifting up your shirt".

I lifted up my shirt and he put some gel on my stomach it was so cold.

He powered up the machine and put the stick on my belly. Yanyan was holding my hand the whole time.

"Okay here you can see baby a and baby b" he suddenly said.

"Wait we are having more than one baby" Yanyan said.

"Yes now just let me check around to see if there's anymore babies" he said and looked back to the screen.

"Okay and here is baby c" he said "congratulations your pregnant with triplets".

I was in tears from the joy I felt and Yanyan has a big smile plastered on his face.

"And that is the end of the appointment all the babies are healthy" he said and gave us a big smile.

I wiped my belly off and pulled my shirt bac down. "Let's go sweetheart" Yanyan said and grabbed my hand.

"I love you so much" I said as we walked out of the doctors office and back home.

*Time skip to back at home*

"Joseph" I said as I entered the house.

"Yeah" he said from the other room.

We both walked into the room. "How did the first check up go" he asked once he saw us.

"She's not just pregnant with one baby" Yanyan said grinning from ear to ear.

"Really how many" Joseph said with wide eyes.

"Guess first" I said smiling.

"Uhm three" he guessed.

"How did you know" I said and his mouth dropped open.

"Really we are gonna have three babies crawling around this joint" Joseph said still in shock.

I nodded my head yes. He smiled and gave me a hug and then gave Yanyan a hug also whispering something to him but I couldn't pick up what he said.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant and it's triplets" I said.

Yanyan and Joseph smiled at me and I smiled back.

"It's perfect we have enough spare rooms for each of the kid's to have their own room when they grow up" Yanyan said.

"Yeah it's perfect our little family" I said "and of course Joseph is included".

He smiled and left the room to go feed the puppies.

"I love you baby" I said to Yanyan and kissed him passionately.

"Love you too" he said before he kissed back.

A/n hope you enjoyed this one is a little on the short side :/

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