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CHAPTER ONE: Holiday Break
December 18th, 2019

The Potter and Wesley family had all been invited to a Holiday Gala the day after the kids returned home from Hogwarts for the two-week break. Only problem: the Gala was strictly eighteen+, leaving three-quarters of the family home alone with no one but Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley to look after them.

The Potter Mansion has been the designated sleepover house ever since James Sirius and Fred ii decided to make pancakes at Ron's house and burnt the kitchen down so most of the Potters were waiting in the family room for the Weasleys to floo in. Two minutes later a puff of green smoke erupted from the fireplace and a teenager stepped out, followed by another and another and another up until there stood twenty-three Weasleys ( mixed in with four Longbottoms and four Scammanders )

"Took you long enough.." said Ginny Potter standing up to say hi to her best friends Hermione and Luna and also hit the two of her brothers who had shown up. "Where's Draco and Astoria?" Asked Harry, he took Ron and his two kids in for a hug. "Hugo! I know I look dashingly young but you are completely capable of crushing me to death so please-" the young boy let go, probably remembering how tall he was for his age, Rose shook her head and ran up to Albus' room.

"..Look dashingly young?" Said a teasing voice from behind the rather large group. Draco Malfoy, he was a man well into his 40s with platinum blonde hair that reached his hips and pointy features. He leaned by the door while his wife rolled her eyes at the man she had married and walked in to talk to Ginny, Angelina, Hermione, Hannah and Luna "Oh shove off... where's Scorpius? Albus was-" and then as if on cue came the usually quiet voice of Albus Severus Potter booming through the hall "Scorpius is here!"

Upstairs, The Malfoy boy smiled widely. Putting a fireplace in Albus' room was such a good idea, Scorpius noted as he ran to Albus' bed where the other boy sat cross-legged. "yeah well I'm still not happy about it.. terribly stupid" said Rose shaking her head and finally looking up from her book, but she smiled at her two best friends regardless.

Ginny Potter told everyone to meet in the entrance room. Kids, teenagers and adults walked into the rooms: some came from the kitchen, others from the backyard and a few ran down from their own rooms upstairs.
"Okay... no running in the house Lily! Alright, it's time" She said, looking away from the group and shouting at Lily who came to a sudden stop and then continued walking towards the kitchen with her friend. Teddy laughed "We'll be fine Ginny, you don't need to worry." He said, hugging Ginny. James smirked "Of course. Because you're so responsible Mr Three-tattoos-by-age-thirteen" he piped up pointing at the magical ink that Teddy had. Alice clenched her teeth, she grabbed James' face with both her hands "James, do my a favour love?" She said with a sickly sweet tone. The boy melted in her hands "Yes my darling..." he mused "Shut up." And like that Alice let go.

Albus made a gagging sound "You guys are so... straight." He whispered, only to be heard by Rose and Scorpius "Albus!" Shrieked the blonde boy, Rose closed her book and hit Albus with it. Harry stepped up "Kids settle down. I have no doubt that Teddy will be able to handle you, but just in case Victoire is here right?" He said looking around the room for a tall blonde girl

"M'Here uncle." Said Victoire, standing by Teddys' side. Ted pulled a face "Oí! Thought you say 'no doubt'" he exclaimed, his teal hair turning just a shade darker. Harry smiled at his godson "I'm sorry Ted but James is more of a five-person job. And you're sort of, well, outnumbered" he said looking at James who grinned. Astoria walked upfront "Come on we are going to be late," she added, giving her son a kiss on the cheek and grabbing her husband's hand "Yeah, she's right. We'll meet you outside. Scorpius, my boy, be good. Don't get hurt." Scorpius blushed slightly and nodded "Ok dad." He said. The older Malfoy turned to Harry, "Potter, if anything happens to my son I'm holding you accountable... you too Edward" Teddy nodded and then added something about Draco using his full name while Harry smirked at the man "Charming." He said. "Let's go."

On the other corner of the room Teddy was talking to Ginny, the woman nodded "Alright and your phone is charged," she asked with a notepad, which contained a list scrawled in her husbands' messy writing, floating by her side. "Mhm," Teddy smiled as he pulled out his phone, flipped it and then proceeded to almost drop it. Ginny shook her head and laughed... he was almost as clumsy as his mum "And you remember your grandmum's number just in case," She said continuing down the list. Teddy sighed "She doesn't have a phone." He said, the woman grinned and pulled her ginger hair back as the strands fell in front of her eyes. "I know, that was a test." Teddy took the note pad and let Ginny to the door, "You won't make it to the Gala Gin. I can take care of the rascals. Go." The adults all nodded and eventually left,

Teddy smiled and drummed his fingers on the nearest table as he turned to the big group. "Now kiddos. I'm going to the kitchen because Lily and Lysander wanted to make pancakes and they might burn the manor down. James, Freddie, Alice, Roxy and Dom if I hear any trouble-" he began pointing at the five oldest who repeated after him "We're dead." Roxanne jumped down from Franks back and walked up "I get it, Ted, don't worry about me... Frankie here and I have to work on our project. McGonagall told us it had to be done before we go back to Hogwarts." She said and grabbed her boyfriend's hand, she led him towards the other room. Fred sighed "And Jamsie has his girlfriend over so I'm on my own." He pointed towards his cousin who had already begun ignoring him and was currently snogging Alice in the corner. "See." He said lifting both his hands up... Teddy laughed and turned to Dominique "I'm going to go call my friends. Come, Vicky, I need to tell you something." She said pulling her sister upstairs. Teddy still had his mouth open "And they left." He said looking at the spot where the two girls had been standing.

He then turned around one more time to face the remaining four teenagers. He decided to address the problematic ones first. "Great! Albus, Scorpius and Rose... don't go exploring please." Said teddy locking the front door. Rose rolled her eyes "Come on Teddy, we just want to see the forest." She complained. "You can go to the attic and that's it." Teddy pointed up the stairs. "Fine." Said rose, she turned to her two accomplices "Come on nerds." Scorpius smiled and followed her up "Right behind you Rosie!" He exclaimed. Albus stayed behind a little longer to pick up the book that his cousin had dropped "You know she is the actual-" he said, teddy nodded "nerd? Yeah, you're good."

The man ran a hand through his teal hair, he looked at the blond boy who was walking up the stairs. "Lastly. Loius don't wreck Harry's closet.. there's nothing good there." He said Louis blushed "I'm just going upstairs to the library.." he explained and continued making his way up until Teddy stopped him again. "Wait a second." He began, looking around the room "I'm missing two. Lorcan and Hugo, where are the boys?" Asked teddy, Loius sighed and pointed vaguely to the other room "They're playing wizards chess in the dining room. Hope it doesn't end like last time" he said and left. Lily popped her head into the room "Teddy hurry up or we'll start without you!" She exclaimed and then went back to the kitchen. "And that's my cue."

Fred II turned towards his cousin "Come on Jamieee, you have got to come with." He said pointing up. James parted from his girlfriend for a second "You just want someone to blame when we get in trouble." He said Freddie smiled "Exactly!" Alice smirked, she pushed James away "Fine," Freddie hugged Alice while James whined "but Alii" the girl ignored him, "My dad said he had something important for your dad. I bet it's in the study." She said leaving the room. Fred II followed her "That's my best friend!" He shouted, "I thought I was your best friend, dear cousin."

『 Hey, finally wrote the first chapter for this fic! I've been meaning to re-write my Time Travel fic but with Scorpius x Albus. I hope you enjoyed ! Please eat and drink something if you have not yet. Love you ! Word count: 1,530』

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