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CHAPTER TEN: let's fix this 2
December 19th, 1995

Harry Potter scratched his beard and then his expression brightened as something had clicked. "Wait 1995- Sirius? Remus? Are they.. are they there?" He asked, as the two men walked into frame Harry began to tear up. "Heya Harry." Said Remus with an awkward smile while Sirius gleamed. He figured James would've looked exactly like that if he had lived. "You're so old!" Someone laughed from behind the phone. "He really is..." Ron and Hermione stepped up, the man had an arm wrapped around his wife's waist. They tried for a smile. "Rose? Hugo?" Hugo grinned shyly, Rose put her book down and walked up to make herself visible."Mummy, hey."

"You alright? I know this might be scary but Ted can take care of you okay?" Hermione addressed her children with soft eyes and a weary smile, she looked around and spotted to rest of the group from the past. "We know." Rose said, "Alright well, hello everybody. Nice to see you..." Hermione nodded at the group, she mostly looked at her teenage self with concealed embarrassment. You know how it is when you watch your fifteen-year-old self deny her feelings for your future husband. Ron was talking to someone outside of the frame when he finally turned to his wife "Mione... could you cast a spell on my sister. She is insufferable." He said. Hermione hit him and the young version of Harry laughed, somethings never change. "Don't be rude. Ginny has every right to be upset. I hope you didn't have anything to do with this Rose Weasley." Rose's face went slack, she blushed and pointed at her two friends. "I was in the attic with the idiots."

Hermione sighed "The attic that you aren't supposed to visit. It hasn't been emptied yet." She said but rose just replied by pointing at her older cousin "James took us twenty-four years back!" James stared at Rose with an offended expression, Harry walked back into the call "Yeah we need to go back to that." He said only to be interrupted by a man. Most expressions in Grimmauld place tightened. They all recognized him despite how much he had changed.  "Hold on. Scorpius... were you in that attic?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow at his son "Um, depends. How mad would you be if I say yes?" Scorpius looked at his friends for help but Rose was reading and Albus was laughing. "Reasonably angry." Said the man, he knew full well what sort of magical items the potters stored in the attic. That place was almost as bad as the study.

Scorpius coughed "Well, I was with Al..." he said, trailing off. James began to crack up "and were was Albus?" Draco asked Scorpius laughed nervously. Rose raised her hand as her best friend answered. "With Rosie." Draco turned on his heel and raised up his hands, shooting a look at his wife. "I just want to let everyone know... he doesn't get this from me."

Harry laughed, he walked over to the man "You spend all of your sixth years hiding in an 'attic' Draco." He said with a cocky smile. The people from 1995 were all taken by surprise, so not only was Malfoy accepted into the family but he was in a first name basis. Fifteen-year-old Harry Potter went red. Draco scoffed and a smile tucked at his lips. "You know what Harry, you spent all of sixth year in the attic too... granted you were following me but still." He muttered, Harry laughed and stuck out his tongue and young Hermione shook her head, these two did not seem like adults let alone fathers. A woman stepped up "boys... back to the issue." She said with an eye roll. "Sorry Mione."

The two were separated by Hermione but they looked behind her back to keep bothering each other. "Boys... she meant you," Harry said with a smirk. Draco scoffed "I'm older than you... twat." He said. Scorpius took a deep breath and glared at his father, Albus sighed. "You don't sound like it." Hermione shot a glare behind her, "Guys." She insisted. The two laughed "Yeah, Draco." Harry said, Draco gave his best dramatic expression and complained to the woman "Hermione!" She shook her head again and laughed a little before turning serious again. "Our kids are in the past can you two..."

The men would've kept joking around if it wasn't for Ginny who had managed to escape her eldest brother and storm over to the phone. "James Sirius Potter! Once I see you again you will be in so much trouble! No quidditch, no invisibility cloak or Marauders map - which by the way, Harry, still a terrible gift for him -" Harry gave her an unsure smile and mumbled a sorry. Fred and George chuckled. Ginny looked at the young girl who stood hand in hand with James "I'm sorry Alice, but James won't be allowed to visit you for two weeks, minimum."

She then turned at another woman who sat in the couch with a worried expression "Angelina do you want to-" Ginny offered, Angelina didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence "Fredrick Lee Weasley! No more pranks! No joke shop! No running to your father for help! The terrible influence he is... I am so disappointed... if you hadn't done this- I leave you alone for a couple of hours and you go put your family in danger!" Roxanne had made her way from frank to her brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. Freddie had tears in his eyes just like his cousin. "Mum! I'm sorry, okay? James and I didn't think-" his voice broke and Angelina continued to shout "that's the problem! You kids don't think!"

George surged forward and took his wife's hand once again "Angelina..." he whispered. Fred laughed from the other side of the phone call. Another woman stepped into frame, she had short and straight brown hair paired with tired yet kind brown eyes. "Do you think I could talk to my son?" She asked softly, "Of course, here" the phone was handed to the woman, she smiled at the camera with showed her son. "Scorpius! Are you alright my boy?" Astoria asked. The boy scratched the back of his neck nervously "I'm okay mum, thanks. Don't worry about me." His mum kept on going and tears welled in her eyes. "I miss you! You'll be okay! Scorpi! My sweet little boy, my baby!" Albus chuckled, no matter how many times he heard the nickname he would always laugh. Scorpius gave his mom a desperate look "Mum!" He exclaimed.

Draco moved back into the frame with a smile "Astoria you're embarrassing him." He said, rolling his grey eyes. Astoria huffed "Too bad! I miss him," she insisted. "he misses you too, I'm sure. May i?" He took the phone from his wife and placed back on top of the table where Hermione had put it in the first place. "Hey dad," Scorpius waved his hand shyly and proceeded to hit Rose who snickered. "hi Scorpius, terribly sorry for your mother. We both miss you so much." The boy nodded and smiled at his mum "Thank you."

"Listen, Harry..." Harry Potter popped into the frame, using apparition from the back of the room where he had been talking to Ginny, "hello!" He grinned and the popped back to his wife's side. Draco sighed and looked at the man before continuing "Sorry i misspoke... the man-child and I are going to the ministry to see if there are any time turners left. The one he had was meant to be the only one but you never know." Rose stepped up and raised her hand, even if no one else had been speaking at the moment "What if... what if there are no more turners? James is a total idiot but he told me that he'd learned it was for sure the only Turner"

Hermione looked at her daughter and tried for a reassuring smile but that was really more her husbands' area. "I don't think that's the case but even if it was, I'm going to stay here with Ron and try to figure out if we can fix it."

『Hey. I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the late update! You're so amazing, thank you for reading. How are you doing? !! Please do my a favour eat and drink something if you haven't yet. And stay safe! I love you! Word count: 1,434 』

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