
3.1K 74 26

December 22nd 1995
(Ignore the fact that I'm posting this at one am because I just checked and I have 2k reads?! What- you guys !! Thank you! Means so much bc I actually love this story and it wouldn't be possible without you! Keep voting and commenting! There's nothing I love more than reading your comments)

Teddy looked towards his god-sister with an amused smile "Lily-" he reprimanded, then he smiled at the recently revealed couple. Teddy took a deep breath and tried his best not to laugh as James and Rose had. "Okay, we support you, boys. How long have you-?" He asked, in response, Albus mumbled "What was that? Dear cousin?" Dominique said, eyebrows raised and arms crossed over her tank top, courtesy of Ginny Weasley. "A year," Scorpius admitted, Albus looked over at his boyfriend - who sat by his side - and couldn't help but admire how brave he was... Scorpius didn't seem a tad bit nervous, just happy to finally be able to hold Albus' hand.

"A year! That long! You've kept this from us?" Victoire said, both arms raised in her signature 'i can't even deal with this' way. Teddy rolled his eyes at the girl but he also seemed to share her exasperation. Above all, Teddy thought, that despite how big this family was they could all trust each other as cousins/siblings and whatever else they were... he kept getting proved wrong and it hurt. "I hate you guys," Freddie said, mostly because he was now out of ten galleons. Frank smiled at the two boys as he pushed his girlfriends' brother slightly, causing Freddie to almost fall off his chair. "I'm surprised you didn't accidentally out yourselves," Louis said, clearly uninterested in the conversation. Victoire nodded "Yeah Louis is right.. you two suck at secret. She said, frowning a little. " "Why that long?" Albus shrugged, he didn't speak: still, a little mortified that now they knew. "We weren't ready and wanted to wait but then we waited too long and yeah," Scorpius said, wrapping an arm around Albus' shoulders protectively because he knew that always helped his boyfriend calm down. "Can't wait till dad actually find out!" Lily Luna laughed, her eldest brother howled in agreement and Teddy shut both of them up. James, who had finally stopped chucking, spoke: "Anyways, i think the real question here is... who's the bottom?"

Albus and Scorpius went beet red, "James Sirius Potter!" Teddy, whose hair was now a deep shade of purple, screamed. He glared at James and told him that if he didn't stop being a giant prick he would get in trouble. "What so... why did James start laughing." Rox asked, then pointed at her cousin, "And Rose- they knew?" Scorpius puffed out his chest and Albus laughed "I mean, of course, we told Rosie." Scorpius said with a shrug, Rose nudged him - once again forgetting that she was seated and almost cause Scorpius to spill pumpkin juice on himself - and sighed "I figured it out after their first date." Roxanne crossed her arms again, Albus wondered why she cared so much.  "How."

Rose gazed at the couple and almost started to laugh again, she genuinely couldn't imagine not knowing. "They've liked each other since the second year, once they went on their first date Albus was quite literarily shaking with happiness... and Scorpius couldn't, still can't if you ask me, even look at Albus without blushing. Common sense you idiots." She said, pointing at her best friends pink cheeks. Albus scoffed dramatically and sank deeper into his chair "It's the truth." Rose said in response to Scorpius shooting her a warning glare. Albus moved to peck his boyfriend in the cheek, Scorpius positively melted. "You guys are so in love. Wow, I'm blind." Dominique and Victoire both said at the same time, they hated doing that but it happened rather often - not that they would admit it, but both girls had almost exactly the same thought process - "What about James?"

The boy raised an eyebrow, obviously glad to be the centre of attention once more, James smirked but as always there was a genuine smile under all his flair. "I caught them kissing and more... way too many times." He said Albus glared daggers at him "Shove it." Albus muttered but teddy and the rest were more focused on James' words "and more?" He nodded "Really it's a wonder you guys haven't caught on.. or walked in on them. These two can barely keep their hands off of each other." James said with a wink aimed at Scorpius, Albus looked like he was just about ready to explode. "Oh, that's why." Hermione whispered, more to herself than anything but Ginny asked: "Why what?" Hermione kept her eyes intently on her food, she took a sip from her drink before continuing. "Their first night here... I heard James knock on the bathroom door and tell someone to stop snogging and do back to the room. I didn't hear any names and left before I could see who it was. That was you two, right?"

Albus nodded "Forgot about that, sorry," Scorpius said, taking a big sip of his drink and using the cup to cover his face "so you weren't reading?" Louis pressed, he still seemed uninterested but like he was enjoying how red Scorpius was getting. "Um we might be nerdy or whatever you call it but I much prefer kissing my boyfriend than reading," Albus said, finally speaking... he was still scared but now talking about his relationship with Scorpius came easier. "You guys were up there for like half an hour!" Ron noted, "Can't believe al got a boyfriend before Rosie?" Hugo said with a laugh. Albus almost spit out his food "me neither."

Lily huffed "I should've made a bet... I totally knew you guys were doing it." She said, wagging a knife at Scorp and Albus. "We aren't doing anything Lily," Scorpius said, talking the knife away from her scared as to what she might do. "Suuuure" Lysander laughed, they fell back into their food but no one talking... well that was until Hugo broke the silence  "Lorcan pass the pepper!" He screamed with a huge grin. "Alright alright, no need to shout darls"

『Hey. Not my best work but I still hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading. How are you doing love? ( you can talk to me if you need to ! ) ¡¡ BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER
BLACK NON-BINARY LIVES MATTER!! ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER! Please do my a favour eat and drink water if you haven't yet. And stay safe! I love you! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BABIES! You're 1000% valid don't let anyone else tell you otherwise ( if they do tell me and I'll give em a nice surprise... nice for us, not them ) Word count: 1,158』

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