Chapter Four

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OMG. I'm so qt-kidding. ENJOY. ;) 


You went down at the bus stop near the subdivision and walk again, when you are about to enter, the security guard stops you.

“Where are you going?” the guard asks

“I’m going home.” You answered and was about to take a step again, but the guard stops you again.

“Your Identification Card please?” the guard asks.

“Why? There’s a rule here also about the No ID No Entry?” You said, jokingly.

“Would you give it or not?” The guard asks, you gulp and gave your school id, the guard checked it. “You can now go inside.” The guard told you after awhile and gave back your id, you bowed and walk inside.

The subdivision contains big houses and green surroundings because it is full of trees, plus the fresh breeze of the wind, there’s also a park and playground nearby. You stopped at the park and watched people walk by and leave.

‘This is life.’ You whispered to yourself as you close your eyes, after a few seconds you opened your eyes then

“BOO!” You almost fell at your sit when you saw Chen’s face inches away from you, grinning like an idiot, and you’re still on the state of shock.

“I’m almost died!” You shouted as you hold your chest with your heart beating fast.

“Really? HAHAHAHAHA. If you had just saw your face, it’s so epic!” Chen announces while holding his stomach. You rolled your eyes and fixed your skirt.

“You lived here?” Chen asked as he watched the kids that is playing nearby.

“Hmm yes. You too?” You asked back.

“Nope. I just pass by.” Chen replied then he smiled.

“Did the guard asks for your ID?” you asked, and Chen looks at you with a frowning face.

“Why would he asked for my ID? Is this a school?” Chen asked.

“You mean they didn’t ask for---“

“Nope.” Chen replied.

“Why did they asked my ID even if I’m one of the homeowners, while you—“

“It’s because they are keeping an eye through the criminals.” Chen said. You nodded.

“Is that so--- WHAT THE?! DO I LOOK LIKE A CRIMINAL TO YOU?!” You asked, Chen laughed and started running, and you followed him.

“KIM JONGDAE!” You shouted and both of you run until you felt tired then both of you sat at the tree.

“Sei, You’re beautiful.” Chen said, making you blush.

“Really?” You asked, a little bit shy.

“Kidding. HAHAHAHA.” Chen added and ran again, you tried to catch him.

{ U N E D I T E D }

-dearchanbaek 141206

I met a Guy, named Chen (EXO-Chen)Where stories live. Discover now