Where it Began

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Millions of miles apart two kids were going through life, they were the same in their differences, with not knowing what would come of life. She was nine and the most beautiful little girl you would ever see. She was brighter than the sun and sweeter than sugar. She had beautiful silver-grey hair, green eyes, a perfect white smile, rosy cheeks and a laugh like no other. Her name was Lilith. She was outgoing, adventurous, and she thought she was like no other. The other child was a little boy, he was ten and more attached to his family than most. He was the total opposite of Lilith, brunette, brown eyes, crooked smile, and white cheeks, but his laugh was just as amazing. His name was Elias and he was a great person. He was shy but fun, scared of the world but curious to find out more. He wanted to know what the world was about, he wanted to know what was happening and why. It didn't matter if it was the rain or animals he wanted to discover everything about it.  As children, they were completely different, not just in personality and style but in how they lived their lives. Lilith was adopted and she stayed in the same small town her entire childhood. While Elias moved around his entire childhood. These kids where like no others they were extremely smart, abnormally strong, and fast. They succeeded in everything they tried to do in life. They where the image of perfect children, academically and athletically. As they got to schooling ages, Elias was homeschooled, he didn't have a normal childhood, because his parents traveled a lot. His parents traveled their entries lives, never settling down always on the move. They wanted to see the world and give their kids every possibility. Lilith went to public school for the first few years and quickly transferred to a private school. She was never able to challenge herself in school because it was just not hard enough. She took all AP classes and passed with all A+. Elias was a succeeding student, completed all his work and got good grades while traveling the world. These kids were so smart, so athletic, like no others, they thought they were one of a kind not knowing the other existed. They didn't fit in with anyone, but that didn't stop them from living their best lives as kids. 


I was adopted when I was in kindergarten. I went to public school for the first couple of years everything was great, I was learning new things, making friends but then something changed. My new parents put me into a private school. There were more difficult courses but it was so easy it was boring. It was the worst school ever. I took up every sport I could and succeeded in them all. Cheer, baseball, mathletes, science decathlon, soccer, running, and so many more, if you name it I probably played it or was apart of its club. I juggled everything and I never lost any sleep, I never lost any time, I was never stressed, nothing ever seemed to change or be a challenge. I mean yeah it was only elementary years and there's only so much you can take up at my age but it was never a challenge, never difficult, it was always easy.  It was the same old same old and it never changed.  It was boring. I went to school every day, sports after school, then home for dinner and bed. Nothing interesting ever, nothing was a challenge, nothing was different, it was well boring. It was such a fun thing sports, it just never changed, it was always the same sports every year. Same parties each year. My parents loved how smart and athletic I was but it just wasn't me and I hated the private school. Everyone was so stuck up and full of themselves. They did the same thing every day like it was on replay. "Oh, whos the richest? Oh, wait that's me hahaha" Every brat would say, it was so annoying like big deal your mommy and daddy have money and oh you get to go to this boring school with the rest of us where nothing ever changes. Oh my gosh, you got new diamond earrings, big deal. This just isn't me, this place, the way I have to act and dress it's not me. I'm only in 5th grade but I know who I am and what I want and I hate being fake but you have to act and dress a certain way for this school. It's not even cute clothes or interesting clothes they were boring beige and white outfits. Nothing ever changes, my family it's what you would expect I have a brother a couple of years older than me and my parents, of course, we are the everyday "Perfect" family, and yeah it's nice not having any problems or worries in life but I can't wait to get out of this house. It was always the same, same family dinners, same games nights, same old movies for movie night. It was boring nothing ever changed it was like we are robots and are on replay. Thankfully, I only have a couple of years then I can go to a regular high school.


    I hate moving around. Why can't we just stay in one place so I can go to a normal school and have a normal life? Never once have I gone to an actual school. I have never had an actual home, we travel so much that we practically live in the car. I have been homeschooled my entire life. I don't have any friends and I never have. We are always on the road. We have traveled everywhere. I am the youngest of three, but my brother and sister are practically adults but they never left for college or for a job they stay on the road with us. I don't know why though, I can't wait to get out of here and actually get to have fun and make friends. I mainly listen to my rock music while we are on the road, I never really have anything to do because school is so easy I can get a week of work done in a day. It's never a challenge, or interesting. I don't care about anything I learn. I want to learn about the k-nine species and other specific science topics. Mom thinks it's foolish and I should learn more important things like math and literature. I do not understand why I have to study something that I already know, that's easy and doesn't challenge me at all. Life on the road can be fun though, getting to see new places and try new things can be interesting. However, when you are stuck in a small car with four other people constantly on the road, it gets cramped, annoying, and smelly.  yuck! I can't express enough how disgusting it is practically living in a car with four other humans. It isn't always bad, it is fun sometimes. We play road games, sing, and talk drama that we make up.  It brings us closer together as a family but as always family gets annoying. They always go off at night but I'm always stuck at the motel playing even though I'm supposed to be studying. I can never figure out why they go off, I tried asking but they are so secretive, it seems like they are hiding something I just don't know what. Just another mystery of my family that I have to figure out and just another part of my childhood. Most kids my age have a hometown, struggle with math, science, and other class subjects, they have friends and imagination but not me. I ace all of my high school classes even though I'm in 5th grade, it doesn't make any sense but it's my life at the moment. I wish things could change, I wish we could settle down in a small country town, I wish we could be a normal family and I could go to an actual school with actual people and make actual friends. I guess things just don't go the way you want it to when your a kid and have no control of your own life.

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