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    Ugh finally it's my high school years and I can go to an actual school, I can't believe that my parents made me go to that stupid private school through elementary and middle school. It was seriously the worst experience that you could ever have at a school. Thankfully, I never have to deal with that crap again. All those goodies too shoes wouldn't be caught dead in a public school. That's what I thought then I heard "OMG Lilith is that you!!" some girls from the private school screeched. So in a fake voice, I replied "OMG No Freaking Way, Hey Girls!!!" I honestly have no clue who these girls are but I can tell you I do not like them. After that, I didn't see them for the rest of the day and I try to ignore them and steer clear of them wherever I go. I don't have time for fake people. I spend my time on more important things, my art, finding a new punk rock to add to my list, oh yah and hanging out with people that aren't fake with me. Public school is way better than private school though. The classes might be basic but they have college prep classes on campus that I can take in place of my regular classes. So not only am I a high school student I am getting college courses done as well. This is great because the sooner I graduate and can get out of this hell town the better. They have so many more activities at public school, which makes it so much more fun to go to school. Oh, and it gets better, because there's stuff to actually do at this school I have made some awesome friends that really get me, but not every day is great. Yah, highschool is great and there is so much to love and cherish about highschool but there are still mean people in this world and some of them go to this school. I get made fun of for my hair, I get called granny or old lady. It doesn't bother so much anymore, only took a couple of months to get used to, but within those couple months, I tried to cut and dye my hair a natural color. Due to that process, I found out that my hair is uncuttable and undyeable, it's crazy like it has a purpose in my life like it represents something. As I get older it just gets more defined, I get faster, I get smarter, and I get stronger. I have no clue why I have always been this way but it's like my super qualities grow in strength as I grow in age and height. I don't know how to describe it. When I run it's like I'm pushing off with every ounce of my body, like when you give it your all you go your fastest, but my fastest is like a cheetah. When I do math, English, or science I don't need a pencil and a pad of paper it will take me two seconds to figure out the answer in my head. It feels like my mind is racing but I can keep up with everything that was going on inside it. When I am doing sports, I can feel the energy rushing through my veins, through my bones and giving me the force and strength of ten hundred men. It's like my body is on fire but not in a bad way, in a good way, with energy and exhilaration. Sometimes even my sense of smell is off, I could tell you the exact thing we were having for lunch as they are cooking it across campus. My hearing was increasing too, I could hear girls whispering about a boy or gossip a hundred feet away, or in a noisy room, I could focus my hearing on one conversation and be able to hear it without hearing all the other noise. I don't know what's happening to me but whatever it is, it's freaking cool and I can't wait to see how I can use this to my advantage. A couple of years go by, nothing really changed except for me. I got taller and more mature looking. It was my junior year and dance was coming up, our winter formal actually and I had my eyes set on a guy that goes to school with me, I hope he asks me to go but I doubt he even knows I exist. Oh well, a girl can dream right. At least that's what I thought. Not but a couple of days went by when the cute boy came into our science class and asked me to formal, it was so cute and cheesy he used some science pun to ask me it was great, really gave me a laugh and of course, I said yes. After that, everything just seemed to fly by. The dance was just around the corner and thankfully I had just gotten a text telling me that he took care of everything. It was such a relief, I didn't realize how much there was to do and he took care of it all, the only things I had to do was order his flower thing and give him the color of my dress. It was navy blue of course. It's only the best color in the world. The dance was amazing, and it was so nice and relaxing he took care of everything so I didn't have to worry, it was so nice and such a relief. It was a great night and I had a wonderful time. It was the night that was leading to something magical. At least that's what I thought.

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