The three steps

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Its the night where everything could change. Elias and Lilith met up in the ravine just before the moon was at its highest peak. When they were both there, they sat across from each other in wolf form ready for their future to begin, but first, they had three steps to test their compatibility and loyalty to each other.


One, we have to circle each other never breaking eye contact three times. If we can do that and bow to each other respectfully without selfish acts then we pass the first test.


Two, we have to rub heads, as a sign of love and loyalty. If we can do this without feeling forced or an urge to leave we pass the test.


Three, we have to howl together at the same time to the moon. Every wolf has a unique howl. When the two right howls are put together a sweet harmony is made. If our howls match to make a beautiful sound then we pass the final test.

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