Chapter 6 - Almost

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After knowing that Ken has a girlfriend, Brie reminded herself that she has to know her place. Camilla is a nice girl. I shouldn't do anything to hurt her. She even wanted to be friends with me.

She made herself busy and made sure that she roams around the building more often than she should be.

With some papers needed for revision, Brie walked to the elevator and made her way one level lower than them which most of the big time offices are located. There will be no way to know all their names here for I am not very much visible for I mostly stay upstairs.

I stopped walking as I saw a familiar face behind a cubicle. R?

"Ms. Curtz. What brought you here?" Rachel called from her cubicle.

"I just brought some papers for revision" I turn my head to see her and glanced to the same cubicle where I saw R but I wasn't able to see him again. Maybe I just kinda missed him. It's been months since we hang out together.

"You don't need to bring it here. You should've called. I could've made someone to pick it up for you" she let me sit on a chair across her table.

"No. No. It's okay. I need to see other people here."

"Are you sick of Mr. M's face?" She scanned my face with a confused look.

"No. Not that. But I guess I need to see some people here. You know it was really nice talking to other people like I talked to Ms. Camilla yesterday"

"You've seen her?"

"Yeah yesterday."

"Well. Do you know her?"

"Uhm... Mr. Morales' girlfriend?" Well it was pretty obvious.

"So you knew. Well, they are together for already 7 years." Then she turned her voice in to a whisper. "Actually all of us are wondering why they are not yet married. Mr. M didn't proposed yet which I think made Ms. Camilla mostly go around the world to make him crave for her. Who knows? Maybe if she come back, she will be given that diamond ring" she paused for a while. "But see? Nothing happens. Mr. M's still very busy with his work."

So she's just waiting for a proposal. I'm doomed. My heart's doomed.

"Well other than that, she is also a Co-Founder here." What?

I almost jumped out from my seat. "She's a co-Founder?"

"Yeah. They built this company together. Such a lovey-dovey. But one day, Mr. M just got much busier then Ms. Camilla loved to travel away from him." She leaned on her chair and let out a sigh. "Finally she's back again. Maybe we could see more of her here and a more happy Mr. M"

Now I know the reason behind his weak smile. OMG. I think I lose here. Ms. Camilla is now back and I will never have my chance to my dear Mckenzy.


It's now 6 o'clock but Ken is not even standing fromnhis chair. Maybe he has to work overtime. Well I could stay for some time and be a helping hand.

A beep made me look on my phone.

B. It's 6. You goin' home? Need a ride?

Thanks R, but I think I have to do some over time here. I'll just grab a cab later and please sleep in your room.  Don't wait for me.

Okay. Make sure you eat. I'll order you some. Take care B.

Thanks R. Labyah.

The pizza ordered by R came 7pm but I haven't eaten one and now it's 9pm. I've been busy thinking Should I share this pizza with him or not? He hasn't left his chair since afternoon and I am sure he hasn't eaten yet.


"Sir Ken...?" I entered his office without knocking as I see him focused on his laptop.

"Oh Brie. You still here? It's past 9." Don't tell me he doesn't even see me there on my office all these time?

"I noticed you're still here and I think I could be of help if I stay" I offered him the pizza. "Would you like some?"

He just stare straight to my eyes for about a minute before he answered. "Sure. Let's just eat that here." Pointing to the table across the couch inside his office.

"Uhm..." I sat down across him. "Sorry sir but I think the pizza has already cooled down for it was delivered by 7."

He was just busy eating pizza that time. His face is cold again. "Sorry about what you saw yesterday"

I almost spit some pizza as I heard what he just said "Sir?"

"You heard me." This time he looks at me. Still as cold as ice.

"I-I haven't seen a-anything sir. No worries" I feel my hands shaking again.

"You like me don't you?" He leaned his face near me while eating his pizza.

My hands felt numb this time.

"I guess that silence means yes"

"B-but sir ----"

"But I have Camilla right?" He sat back. "Camilla always travel far from me...." She just want you to miss her sir. "... and  now she's here, she's still distant...."

I just listen to what he is telling me.

"... You. You are here. Young. Beautiful....." Do I feel butterflies in my stomach as he compliments me? "... you even stay for me don't you?"


"Maybe I could have you instead of her...."

I was just quiet the whole time we were eating pizza and just decided to go home after that. He offered me a ride it was a quiet one.

"Maybe I could have you insteadnof her..."

These words are repeatedly playing in my mind. What does it mean?

When we reach the apartment, I got out of his jeepney but to my surprise, he stood there as my feet landed on the floor. He cornered my body against the door of his jeepney. Held my cheek. Moved his face closer to mine. Oh my God! He's going to kiss me! I closed my eyes but all I heard was "Shit! I'm sorry Brie"

He distanced himself and once again said sorry before he went his way.

I know he loves someone. I know it's not right Almost had my first kiss. Almost me. Almost.

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