-the room-

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Who i assumed to be dwight and simon, they roughly loaded us into the back of a van. When they shut the door i franticly felt around for daryl. As soon as i felt two rough hands on my shoulders feeling my arms as if to scan me for injuries I wept. "They're going to kill them" I wept in his arms.

I could here them crying. I heard rick began to cry too. Even though i couldnt see what was happening i could all feel their pain. I could here all of them pleading for him to stop. I could here negan making bad jokes at a time like this. Does he not feel anything? Is he just a fucking monster? I could feel the anger rising up in me again.

For about an hour me and daryl were sitting in the back of that van. It was so silent we could hear our breathing start to synchronize. But we heard the back doors and front doors creak. I felt the warm sunlight hit my face and eyes and tried to adjust but before i could i felt someone grab my arm and roughly pull me out. I roughly said to whoever was pulling me "get off of me!" Daryl grabbed my boot and tugged me back in but i was again tugged back and forth like a rag doll. I then felt 2 pairs of arms on my left bicep and with one tug i was out and in the dirt. I felt myself dragged up and could see clearly that it was the same men who put me in the van.

I tried to loosen their grips but then someone hit me in the back of the head the last thing i saw was the ground and i was out. When i woken up i was in a room with me tied to a chair. And a dwight standing by the door. I waited quietly until he realized i was awake. He pulled out a walkie talkie and said "shes awake sir." I then heard a second voice which i heard very clear "alright I'll be down in a minute." His voice very rough and low but it was booming with confidence. While waiting i saw dwights features more clearly. His eye color was a deep hazel, his hair blonde and very nappy. You could tell he hasn't combed his hair in quite a few days. He was fit but skinny. Out of all his features one stood out the most. Half of his face seemed to be burned- or melted.

You looked at him curiously and said "how did your face get like that? Does it hurt? You actually felt a bit of pity and sadness to see him in that state and hoped he was ok. After just a quick minute of you actually caring for someone who works for someone who killed your friends you mentally slapped yourself. He just looked at you surpirsed that you asked him that and said quietly "its none of your business and im fine." An akward moment of silence filled the air for a few moments before you heard the door swing open. You saw two men step in, one you recognized when he dragged you into and out of the van and the other one was negan, still holding the baseball bat over his shoulder and looking prideful as ever.

Just seeing him happy makes me lose my temper. I look directly at him and say "where's is he?" He calmly looks at me like im just a joke. He cocks his head to the side and says "first off i wanna know your name. If your nice i might just tell you." He smiled at you letting his words sink in. He knew he was irratating you but he was enjoying every second of it. "Y/n. Y/n is my name. Now tell me-" he interrupted you mid sentence and said "now was that so hard? Very beautiful name by the way. Now riddle me this. Why did you decide to get up and try to take a swing at me?

You felt his "sweet" side instantly fade away and felt him staring coldly at you. You felt all your chances of getting you and daryl out of here alive instantly vanish. You look down and feel so weak. Whatever confidence and energy you had also vanished. You felt his hand lift onto your shoulder. You flinched away but that only made his grip tighten. He roughly said "answer me." He didn't ask but commanded this time and you meekly said " you hurt my family and I just reacted." You glance up at him to see him look at you with malice in his eyes. He slowly got up and talked to dwight. I couldn't hear what they were saying which only frightened me more. You saw negan look at you, his tone soften and his features seemed more relaxed. That infuriated you.

You felt yourself tell you it's not a good idea to be mouthy right now. Did you ignore it? Of course. Will you regret it later? Oh most definitely.

 -Days Gone By- negan x readerWhere stories live. Discover now