Chapter 15✨

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Geonhak ran as fast as he could to catch up with the heartbroken demon while still trying to not attract attention from the other visitors. The former was easier since Dongju kept sobbing the entire time, but it also made the latter harder to do.

Geonhak stopped around the corner of the park as the shorter was nowhere in sight. There was only one place he could be hiding in, the bathroom. Geonhak entered and found only 2 stalls that weren't vacant. He tried his best to listen to any sobbing or anything, but the only sound he received was the sound of breathing, which was not helping at all. There was only a fifty percent chance of him embarrassing himself, therefore Geonhak tried his luck and approached the occupied stall nearest to him first.

"Dongju, listen. I'm really sorry and if you give me a chance, I promise I will explain everything to you. So please open the door," Geonhak explained softly as he knocked on the door. There was a moment of silence before the door finally opened. But unfortunately for him, the door didn't reveal a teary eyed Dongju. Instead, a man in his late forties with a short spiky hair walked out of the stall looking both angry and puzzled. Maybe the angry part was just his face, but he was definitely confused.

"Sorry sir, I got the wrong stall," Geonhak said awkwardly, walking slowly to the other locked stall. The man just raised an eyebrow at Geonhak, quickly leaving him after he washed his hands.

Geonhak cleared his throat, preparing himself to plead with Dongju once again.

"I'm sure you heard all that, so can you please open the door?"

No answer.

"Then I'll stay here until you open the door," said Geonhak, leaning his shoulder against the wall beside him.

Half an hour had passed by, Dongju still hadn't given any clue on when he wanted to come out yet and Geonhak was starting to worry if he got the wrong person again. There was still a possibility that Dongju didn't hide inside the bathroom and it was actually just some child who was too terrified to get out because of him behind the door. He took out his phone and decided to message Dongju.


Geonhak let out a sigh of relief, at least he was correct that it was actually Dongju on the other side this time and not some random old man or a traumatized kid.

"Please let me explain myself," Geonhak begged one more time.

"Go away!" Dongju finally replied in a croaky voice from all the crying.

"Are you thirsty? Do you want me to buy some water for you?" Geonhak was worried about his boyfriend's hoarse voice. He didn't want Dongju to pass out from dehydration, if it was possible for him.

"No. I have enough water from the toilet," Dongju announced without giving it a proper thought. Geonhak frowned. He didn't want Dongju to be drinking water from inside the toilet bowl, it was unhygienic.

"Fine. I'll leave." He walked away from the stall Dongju occupied, only to turn at the last stall, not actually leaving the bathroom. He hid himself inside the last stall so Dongju wouldn't be able to see him when he decided to get out.

A few minutes after Geonhak had 'left', the stall door finally opened. Geonhak waited a bit longer, confused as to why Dongju still hadn't moved after he opened the door. The man forgot mirrors existed. Dongju could clearly see him from the reflection in the mirror. Geonhak felt like he was being stared at and looked up to see that it was Dongju who was staring at him from the mirror. Geonhak could only smiled sheepishly after being caught. Dongju didn't look too pleased, lips frowning and eyes, nose, cheeks still red from his crying earlier.

Dongju let out a harsh huff and was about to close the door again when Geonhak suddenly sprinted from his hiding place and held Dongju's wrist to stop him from isolating himself again.

"I really do love you," Geonhak whispered as he tried his best to imitate Dongju's cute face. He stuck out his bottom lip to make a pout and widened his eyes to create the so-called puppy eyes. Maybe Dongju would melt at this cuteness like how Geonhak would when Dongju was the one who put this face on for him.

"Are you mocking me?" Dongju only frowned even more.

"No? Please just give me a chance," his grasp around Dongju's wrist tightened, his expression serious, wanting to prove his love towards the boy. Dongju stared at him for a while to contemplate.

"Buy me ice cream and a stuffed toy and I'll give you five minutes," Dongju finally gave in. Geonhak smiled, pleased that Dongju at least wanted to hear him out. He was determined to make sure Dongju knew how much Geonhak loved him.

After they got out of the bathroom, Geonhak immediately took his chance to explain himself, starting from why he was sent to earth to how much Dongju meant to him. Dongju listened silently while devouring his green tea ice cream, a Lotso doll hugged tightly on his other hand.

"You're not lying, are you?" Dongju asked at the end of Geonhak's explanation, looking straight into Geonhak's eyes. Geonhak shook his head then planted a quick peck on the shorter's forehead.

"I really do love you. But please don't tell the others what I told you, Hwanwoong and Seoho will kill me if they know." Dongju nodded his head and smiled warmly, content at his boyfriend's sincerity.

"I'll protect you if that ever happens," he said as he rubbed the bear's head in his hand with his cheek. Geonhak let out a soft laugh, his hand reaching to caress Dongju's other cheek.

Sadly, their moment was interrupted by a passing grandma who was glaring and fake coughing at them, not even trying to make the cough seem believable. Dongju glared back at the old woman. Dongju slowly raised himself to give a peck on Geonhak's lips, eyes still glued to the grandma.

"Let's go enjoy our time before the park closes, babe," Dongju said loudly to make sure the woman heard him, emphasizing the pet name at the end. Geonhak chuckled as he obediently followed his boyfriend's lead.

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