Chapter 6: Status Screen

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It's still there.

The thing is still floating in front of my face.


Okay, okay, calm down. A Nanaue is a monster from Hawaiian mythology, a land shark. It's pretty easy to see that it means me here. Kirin must have been that other monster. So basically I gained an ability somehow, and it tells me about the stuff around me. Okay, calm down. Things were already weird, this is just a bit weirder.

In any case, I should probably get away from that Kirin before it notices me. I'm not sure what these numbers all mean, but I do know that its numbers are all higher than my numbers and I'm pretty sure that means I shouldn't mess with it. I can freak out once I'm in the relative safety of away from that.

I navigate through the woods, slinking until I find a nice big rock to sit behind. I take a deep breath in, then heave it out.


Okay, that out of the way, let's figure this out. Where have I heard the terms 'hp' and 'mp' before?

Oh, right, from my brother.

I scowl, remembering back. Right. I was the bookworm and my little brother Jacob was the weeb. He was constantly at the tv either watching those stupid anime shows or playing video games. I bet he went nowhere in life after I died but... he seemed really intent on explaining video games to me. I can't believe that knowledge came in handy at a time like this...

Hp means Health Points, as he put it. That's the amount of damage I can take. If it's full then that means I'm as healthy as can be. Mp means Magic Points, which I think means how much magic I have left. If it went down already, that means I did something to cast magic, and recently. What could I have...

Right, Status Inspection.

It looks like it only went down once, so using Status Inspection on one object other than myself must have used three magic points. So even though it's a useful skill, I have to use it in moderation. I have no idea on what basis magic points regenerate at either, so until I figure that out I'll have to use it sparingly. It seems like using it on myself doesn't cost anything though.

Looking down the list I end up on the next confusing part.


Lv... could that possibly be levels? I'm level two right now, which means that the whole thing where I grew and healed must have been when I gained a 'level'. It seems like I gain levels by killing the other creatures around me. With each level, I should get bigger and stronger. The ding I heard then must have been the notification that I've made progress to the next level. Come to think of it, the color I'd been seeing was yellow. It was probably meant to give me an indication to how far along I am to the next level. It'd be helpful if they made it more visible.

Next on the list are skills. Everything I've really done so far has been listed as a skill, from biting to crafting to status inspection. Walking isn't on there, though. Although it's a bit confusing I won't question it.

But... does that mean I can gain new skills by doing new things?

As an experiment, I walk up to a tree and haul myself nearly bipedal, grabbing the trunk with my claws, and scrabble up a short ways.

Acquired the skill Climbing lv 1

I drop down with the bare minimum amount of grace. I thought so.

So doing new things causes you to gain new skills, and using those skills enough must cause them to level up. That's why swimming is the highest-leveled skill. Now as for resistances...

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