Chapter 29: More Jellos?

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Waking up in a house feels nostalgic and comes with a strange sense of luxury after spending so long sleeping outside. This fact is undermined by the fact that I feel like I fell twenty stories and was reduced to a street pancake.


I crack an eye open and pop open my status in front of my face, scowling at the sight of the numbers. Great, looks like Hp regenerates much more slowly than Mp. I should have expected it but without a level up I'll just heal at a normal rate. That means I'm stuck with these injuries for now...

It probably isn't that smart to go out hunting for EXP like this, but I'll still need to eat later.

I should have anticipated a setback like this. In my previous world this is how things worked, and lone hunters like me would usually lie down to heal their injuries and starve to death or die in their next attempt to hunt.

As it stands, I should probably avoid more confrontations in the future.

The best thing to do would be to find something weak that I could hunt that's still worth some decent EXP. If I could get a level-up I would heal instantly and be able to continue on with my life. As it stands, all I've found are traces of a strong spider-like monster, slimes, and a sasquatch. I am in no shape to take either the spider or another sasquatch and I'd have to commit slime genocide in order to actually gain a level. Considering one of them even had a name...

Yeah I don't think I'll be killing any more of them unless they come at me for revenge.

Wait a minute, the spider...

Spiders hunt by stringing up webs and waiting for other insects to get stuck in them. Once they find an unfortunate critter in their webs they wrap them up in webbing, poison them by injecting digestive fluid into their bodies, and then eating them. The last bit is gross and freaky, but the first part is actually something I can take advantage of.

That spider has so many webs that it can't possibly watch all of them at once. That means I can go do a little scavenging and if whatever is caught is still alive, well...

More EXP for me, which means I might even be able to level up like that.

It's kind of rude to be stealing other creatures' food like this, but I'll do what I have to. I fed the scavengers quite a bit yesterday, that should mean I'm allowed to scavenge for a bit myself, right? Besides, it's not like it's my fault there's such a good opportunity that's been dangled in my face.

With that in mind, I swim out of my little house and into the lake, feeling warmer as the sun shines down through the water onto my scales. I guess it would be cooler in my house since it's not exposed to the sunlight like the rest of the lake is.

I swim up through the tiny waves of the water and poke my head up above the surface to orient myself.

Looks like the spider's corner of the woods is over there if I need to head that way, but I might as well swim towards where I left the sasquatch to check and see if it's still there.

With that in mind, I duck back under the water and begin the laborious task of swimming my battered self to shore. Once I arrive and make my way into my normal quadrupedal stance, I stretch as much as I can to try and alleviate some of the stiffness that's set in from my wounds. Oww... I don't think I've ever been beaten up quite like this before. Sure the ahuizotl fight was problematic, but not even that compares. I've never experienced anything like this in my past life either.

Let's hope I don't have to deal with this again in the future. It's painful and exhausting.

Somehow I feel like that hope isn't going to be rewarded.

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