Chapter 12: Croc Attack!

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I dodge backwards out of the way of another bite from the creature's jaws, launching myself forwards to land a blow. The thing is quick, though, and instead of standing idly it contorts itself much like I just did and aims a bite at my claw. I narrowly abort the attack in time, feeling the wind of the jaws snapping shut. They fly open aggressively again the next second, primed for another bite. I back up, sizing the creature up.

Crocodilian, I note. I can tell by the shape of the nose and the positioning of the teeth. Crocodiles have V-shaped snouts with smaller noses than you would see in an alligator, and in terms of teeth while an alligator's bottom teeth are hidden, the bottom teeth of a crocodile are clearly visible.

So I know it's a crock-based monster, but what does that get me?

Crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal in the world, I note, and that includes sharks. That means this thing's bite is going to be on a completely different level than mine. If I get bit once, the rest of the battle is forfeit. Another thing to watch out for is speed. While relatively slow when walking, Crocodiles are capable of very sharp, fast movements over short distances, meaning it can intercept any attack I make with a bite.

I start to circle the creature carefully. If I can get it away from the water, that will be best. I'm capable of skills like climbing and fast land movement, but if he keeps his back to the water it's useless for me.

I pause in my circling, noting that this is as far as I can get without getting into the freshwater - his turf. Its face is still directly aimed at me, and its jaws are parted, ready to snap down in a powerful bite. I pace in the other direction.

Right, skills. I'm going to need knowledge for this fight, and that means having as much information as I can get on this creature.

I activate Status Inspection, however instead of the normal screen I would get, a skill level up flashes in my face.

This skill could actually level?

I pause in my circling, eyes widening. Immediately I see movement beyond the window and I barely have time to spring backwards before powerful jaws are snapping shut in front of me once more. Damn, this thing's sharp! I can't let my guard down like that again or I'm going to wind up like the rest of my kind. In any case, might as well get a look at what I risked my life for.

Name: ___

Species: Saltwater Crocodile

Level: 15/15

So it's a level MAX, and four levels higher than me. Those are some pretty bad odds; we'd be evenly matched if it was my level but this means its base abilities are going to be higher than mine even without the benefit of its race.

HP: 90/90

MP: 0

Then I don't have to worry about anything magic-related at least. Then again, it's not exactly a leg up; the only 'magic' I have is my Status Inspection, and aside from reading his abilities it doesn't give me a significant boost in combat.

Status: Enraged.


I circle it idly, sometimes making sharp movements to fake it out. I'm trying to make a feint so I can go in for a blow, but so far it hasn't fallen for it. If I keep doing it it won't fall for it in the future, so I should probably stop.


Bite: Lv MAX

Yeah, that means I definitely can't let myself get caught in those jaws. That bite force will kill me faster than my bite killed all those Cthulhu Hatchlings.

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