12: Princess

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"He's in heat.... " Ten said and they gasped.
"Is he alright? " Jaehyun asked as Ten walked around taking mild painkillers.
"He's in a lot of pain. First heats hurt a lot" Ten explained.
"Can't we give him suppressent? " Johnny asked.
"Not on the first heat, no. It hurts even more and messes the entire heat cycle" the omega explained and went back into the room.
Johnny and Jaehyun sat down on the sofa. Jaehyun could feel his omega's agitation.
Ten came out a few minutes later. "He's not taking the medicine. Can you try Jae? " Ten asked sitting down beside Johnny.
" sure" Jaehyun wanted to go near Taeyong more than anything.
"Jaehyun if you even try to hurt him I-" ten started.
"Hey he's my mate. I could never" Jaehyun interrupted and walked into the room.

As soon as he opened the door he was hit by the overwhelming scent of the omega. Jaehyun winced and walked closer his heart hurting when he saw Taeyong curled up on himself, his eyebrows tensing in pain.
He sat near him and Taeyong opened his eyes.
" Alpha... " he whined in pain and tears slipped out. "Oh sweetheart I'll help as much as I can... " Jaehyun pulled the omega into his arms. Taeyong settled there curling up into him and whimpering.
"Love, take the painkiller. It will help a bit" Jaehyun asked touching his hot skin.
"Nooo.. " Taeyong whined again.
"Gosh.. tae.. you're burning up. Please take it. For me? " the alpha kissed his forehead.
Taeyong nodded his head. He took the medicine from the nightstand and made him have it.
Taeyong gulped with difficulty and cuddled back to him shaking like a leaf. Jaehyun pulled him closer to his neck trying to use his scent to calm the omega.
"Ah!" Taeyong yelped his hand going to his tummy immediately and cried like a child. Jaehyun comforted him, massaged him and did whatever he could but he would just not stop crying.
"I'm cold... " Taeyong sobbed even though he was encased by a blanket and Jaehyun's body.
Jaehyun was terrified when the omega suddenly passed out in his arms.
"Taeyong? Tae? " Jaehyun touched his burning skin but he was still out cold.
"TEN! TEN! " Jaehyun panicked and called out. Both of them came rushing in.
"What is it? What's the matter? " Ten asked.
"I don't know.... he was crying and he suddenly passed out"
"It's fine he just cried himself to exhaustion. God his temperature is so high" Ten said.
"Johnny go get the thermomter. Jaehyun go bring all the pillows and cushions here.
Jaehyun took more pillows and cushions and Johnny the thermometer.  His temperature was 105.5 degrees.
"What did the doctor say? " Johnny asked both the alpha's curled up around Taeyong.
"She said it's fine. It'll go down in two or three days"Ten sighed backhugging Johnny. 
"HE HAS TO GO THROUGH THIS FOR TWO OR THREE DAYS? " Jaehyun whisper yelled while still scenting the omega.
"Yes " Ten replied. Johnny sighed when Taeyong whimpered and clutched onto his shirt while Jaehyun spooned him.
" I respect you omega's.. you go through so much" Jaehyun said watching Ten put a cold cloth on his forehead.

Taeyong woke up an hour later and did not find Jaehyun beside him. He sat up from his comfortable nest. Other than the fact that he was a bit dizzy he was feeling better. He slowly got down from his bed, his hips and thighs acheing for some reason. He opened the door and all three pairs of eyes turned to him. "Hey, hey go back to baby" Jaehyun got up and hugged him.  Taeyong immediately closed his eyes leaning into him.
"It's good you woke up. You feel better? " Ten asked and pulled him into a hug..
"You should take a bath and change into something more comfy. I'll come with you" Ten slowly made him walk to the bathroom.

Taeyong sat in the tub in lukewarm water as Ten washed his hair with shampoo.
"Hyung my hips and thighs were hurting earlier" Taeyong said.
Ten looked at him. "That's normal.  Heat changes your body structure a lot. Our basic design for our pubic region is childbearing right? That's why it hurts" Ten explained.
"Will any other change happen? " Taeyong asked feeling a little scared.
"Well even though we are male we are still omega's so your chest will get softer than usual and you might feel needy for Jaehyun during your heats..like in that way..." Ten explained more massaging his scalp. Taeyong blushed at the thought. His bdy was omegaish enough..
"If having a heat was this bad i wouldn't have wished for it this much" Taeyong said while Ten rinsed his hair. Ten smiled. "That will change Tae. It's not very bad when you have someone who loves you beside you." he said and pressed a kiss to his forehead before rubbing his hair dry. Ten got out and pulled out on of Jaehyun's sweater and a pair of shorts.
"You should eat now..I'll change my clothes and come..." Ten said making him sit on the kitchen table. Jaehyun knelt before him and kissed his arms. Taeyong smiled at him. Johnny set out a bowl of rice and soup before him. Taeyong shook his head and soon as he saw the food and tried to run away.
"Nuh-uh you're going nowhere without having something" Johnny pulled him back and put him on Jaehyun's lap. Taeyong whined and pursed his lips when Jaehyun tried to feed him.
"Taeyong-ah don't be so stubborn" Johnny warned using his fake angry voice. Taeyong whimpered and pouted. "Say aaa" Johnny tried again and succeeded to feed him.
"That's a good omega" Jaehyun said and the praise made Taeyong happy so he ate the rest without complaining.
All three of them gave him a smooch each after he finished his food and his wolf purred internally. Taeyong went back to clinging onto Jaehyun now tucking his feet too between his legs..
"You're so cute" Ten pinched his cheeks.
"Wanna go back to bed? " Johnny asked caressing his hair.
"Nooo! Group cuddle" Taeyong said making grabby hands. Jaehyun cooed.
"Oh my god you're soo cute" Jaehyun kissed the tip of his nose.

"Ok so we learnt one thing. Tae turns cuter when he has his heat" Johnny said and the other too agreed watching Taeyong who put his arms around the alpha's neck while whining like a baby.

The four of them ended up cuddling in the sofa. Johnny put a mattress there and they lay on it watching random tv shows.
In between Taeyong started to feel uncomfortable. "Ten hyung I feel bad again.." Taeyong whispered to him.Ten looked at him. "Want to sleep now? " he asked. Taeyong nodded. "Alpha I want to go to bed" Jaehyun turned to him and noticed that he was getting feverish again. He nodded and carried Taeyong to their bed. JohnTen went to their room and watched a movie there.

"You comfortable baby? " Jaehyun asked giving him paracetamol. Taeyong nodded and stretched his arms up asking him to sleep with him. Jaehyun chuckled at his cuteness, wearing his own clothes which were too big on him increased it. Jaehyun lay down beside him. "Alpha I'm cold again" Taeyong sulked trying to cuddle closer.
"You're just like a baby. I'll treat you like one then" Jaehyun said and peeled his shirt off. Taeyong blushed. "You know this is how warmth is provided to babies right? " Jaehyun asked pulling him back into his chest and snaked one of his legs in between the omega's with literally not an inch of space between them now.
"Alpha? " Taeyong called out and Jaehyun looked at him.
"Yes? " he responded.
"You will take care of me when it gets worse right? " Taeyong asked him.
Jaehyun finally understood what he meant.
"If that is what you want..yes..but Ten would propably kill me and.. and you are still underage.." Jaehyun reasoned. Taeyong sulked. "Fine then!" He said and turned around moving away from the alpha's hands.
Jaehyun was surprised at the sudden display of anger.
"Aww you're cuter when you are hormonal like this. I'll do whatever you want baby..." Jaehyun teased.

Taeyong crept back into his chest like nothing happened. "I'm not hormonal" he whispered.
Jaehyun laughed.
"Whatever you say princess...

A/N: soooo...how was it?  I don't know if I should include smut. I feel weird writing it. Propably mild ones
Word count: 1383

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