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That kid, is Meliodas!

Meliodas and Baaaan's fight ended with Meliodas's win.

That was expected. I saw it clear as day, he used his dark powers to deflect that powered attack from Baaan, and Baaaan is an immortal human. But Meliodas is here.

Matrona and Howzer go off in the semifinals, the results were Matrona's win.

Cain had withdrawn from the fight after exchanging blows with Meliodas.

The final round before my face off was Melioda vs. Matrona. Halfway through the battle they stopped fighting. I knew why.

This magic coming towards us from the sky, it's hostile.

The kid with the pillow and the man with the silver hair walk up to the ring as Meliodas faces the crowd.

"I'm actually Meliodas the Dragon Sin, captain of the Seven Deadly Sins!" Meliodas declares.

Meliodas is apart of the Seven Deadly Sins...?! The people I'm supposed to be guiding is an ex-Ten Commandment member...?!

My eyes widen at my realisation.

"We're claiming the entire town of Vaizel as our own! You have one minute to leave Vaizel! If you don't, we'll kill you!" Meliodas declares in a serious voice. I smirk at his strategy.

So you're doing it this way, huh? To get everyone out of town to safety from the hostile threat coming from the sky, to bluff.

"You're not fooling anyone, dumb kid!"

"You don't look anything like that wanted poster!"

"But, given how strong they are, you don't suppose...?!" Whispers go around at the sudden theory.


Meliodas bursts out in fury, the crowd steps back in slight fear.

"Hey! What's that!?" A man yells pointing at shining objects coming our way.

This is interesting indeed, Meliodas, ex-Ten Commandment leader as the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins that I'm supposed to guide and fight along with, interesting would be an understatement.

The shiny objects were in fact large fireballs, they crashed into all of the parts of town, screams could be heard in every corner. A fireball comes towards our arena, Meliodas jumps into midair and uses Full Counter to send the fireball back. He lands back down on the arena with his companions.

So those must be the Seven Deadly Sins, or some of the members anyways. I should guess that Baaaan, Matrona and Old Fart aren't their real names if Meliodas was going under a different name.

The smoke clears from the deflected fireball to reveal huge dark stingrays with glowing yellow eyes flying in the sky. Upon one stood two girls, both armored and powerful.

Holy Knights, it's really unfortunate for them that I was here today. But...

I sigh and look around to see that everyone had already fled.

I'll consider this a test for them. If they're worthy.

"Come, my weapon." I reach my hand out and from another direction of the sky my staff flies into my hand. I let go of it and floats sideways, I sit on top of it and it flies up into the sky.

I look over the area and see the silver haired man get thrown against a building, a woman with pale purple hair thrusts her sword into his chest, the spot of his heart specifically, he coughs up blood and spurts around them.

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