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"Captain, is this good?" Diane yells as we arrive upon a village. Diane stretches her arm over the horizon, looking upon the small village as we stand outside on top of Hawk's mother.

"Yeah! It's. little far from town, but we should be fine if we advertise!"Captain nods approvingly.

"Thank you Hawks Mom! Why don't you rest for a bit too, Diane?" Elizabeth asks with a small smile.

"Okay! I'm gonna nap till the tavern opens, then!" Diane nods before laying down next Hawk's mom in cradling form.

"Good night!" She tells us before drifting off.

"All right! Why don't we get ready to open the tavern?!" Meliodas places his hands on his hips as I roll my eyes. My staff hovers under me and I sit down. We go back inside the tavern, Meliodas turns and faces us.

"Us guys will procure the food. Elizabeth and (Y/n), I want you guys out there to promote the tavern, and could you also buy some herbs?" Meliodas asks us. I raise a brow.

A Holy goddess now a waitress and billboard girl..? Unbelievable.

I sigh heavily and roll my eyes as Elizabeth happily agrees.

"Alright!" Elizabeth nods with a small smile.

"Hawk, you're providing support."Meliodas tells him.

"FIne by me, but do you think Elizabeth with be alright with a power bound woman like her?" Hawk points to me, an irk mark appears as I ball a fist.

"I think the customers would love some pork chops don't you think?" I mutter with a small smile.

"Eeekk!" Hawk hides behind a chair as Meliodas laughs loudly.

"Don't worry, (Y/n) is more reasonable than that, I've known her for a long time."Meliodas states glancing back at me, I frown.

He mentioning the past..is he not afraid that this Elizabeth will die early too?

We both grab a shawl and a basket, going outside and waving to everyone.

"Then we're off!" I yell as we wave to the guys at the Boar Hat. We enter the town and start putting flyers up.

"This is so much of a hassle." I mutter as I slap a piece of paper saying 'OPEN, Boar Hat' on top of one of the wanted posters of Meliodas. I look over at the other wanted posters of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Ban does look familiar though...

I think to myself as Elizabeth and Hawk come over to me.

"Do you think Meliodas-sama has ever armed himself with a proper weapon?" Elizabeth asks Hawk.

"Don't ask me. Not since I've known him." Hawk answers.

"I see. He's been carrying the sword with the broken hilt till now."I roll my eyes to the side and take out a stack of fliers I lift up my arms and throw them into the air. I cast magic on all of top and they freeze before flying off into different directions and placing themselves on walls of each building.

"He had a weapon, a proper one." I state as we walk over to another building.

"A proper sword...?" Elizabeth questions.

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