V | Ode To Silence

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THE ROUGH, GRAVELLY VOICE of the Reaper grated through the dark.

"I'm surprised you came for a visit."

From within the cage, the Reaper's laugh was low, dangerous. The rasp of rock against rock.

The woman pulled back the hood of her cloak, revealing tawny eyes. A spill of hair as black as the shadows themselves.

"You know what I need, John."

The Reaper's eyes, lit by the torchlight, glowed. "John? Oh, you flatter me, Angel."

The woman bared her teeth in a ferocious grin. "Tell me what I need to know."

The Reaper clicked his tongue. "No, no, no. What did I tell you about the art of persuasion?"

"You're not in any position to bargain."

"Haven't you learned anything? I have something you need. I have the power here."

"You're the one in the cage."

The Reaper gestured to the iron bars before him, the damp concrete of his cell. "This? Nothing but a mortal affliction." He tapped his head, one sharpened fingernail hovering over his temple. "There is no true cage but the one in here. And I have the keys you want."

The woman let out a breath. "What is it that you want?"

A gravelly laugh. "The girl. Deliver me what the others could not."

The torchlight flickered between them, and in that moment, the only sound was the skitter of cockroaches. The rustle of hollow wind. The cold, bleak emptiness of a prison miles underground.

"You'll give me what I want. If I give her to you."

The Reaper nodded, a slow smile splitting his aged face. "Bound in blood, Angel. What you need, I'll give you in exchange for the girl."

The woman's voice was soft, hesitant. As though she wasn't sure she wanted to know. "And what will you do with her?"

The Reaper chuckled. "If I told you, it would be you holding the cards."

In turn, the woman pulled the hood of her cloak over herself. Darkness masked the glint in her eyes, the warmth of her fire-kissed skin.

As she moved to go, the low, rough voice of the Reaper called out to her one last time.

"I want Cadenza Conti by the end of two weeks."

The woman glanced back over her shoulder.

The Reaper's smile curved into a dark, twisted knife. "Oh, and Angel? Don't make me regret this."

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