chapter 5

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Kaitlyns POV

as soon as i walked through the door i went straight up into my room. The last thing i wanted was to meet new people and have them ask me questions. I'm just not in the mood right now. I plug in my headphones and start listening to my chemical romance. I had them on full blast so i can drown out the noice of tristan and his band mate talking and just zone out for a little while.

The events of today kept on playing over and over in my head. The moment i smashed the window, Tristans look of alarm when he found me. And how awful I felt trashing his kitchen.  I just wish he had a Justin bieber shrine I couldve smashed up or something.

I must've fell asleep because I woke up to Tristan violently shaking me.

"Psst Kaitlyn wake up wake up.....its the police....they're asking for you"

A sudden wave of worry washed over me. I reluctantly got out of bed and walked down the stairs. I stopped outside the livingroom to take a breath, I obviously knew what THIS was about. I entered the room and saw two police officers turn their attention to me.

One was a man, about 30 with peircing blue eyes but a kind smile and a woman about 40 with dirty blonde hair and was smaller than me (she was really small).

"What can I do for you" I said sitting down

"We'd like you to ask about the death of your brother Steven younge"

Oh. So he was dead then.

"What would you like to know" I said trying to make myself feel comfortable

"It was you who found him am I correct" said the woman

"Yes" I replied not letting any emotion show

"Can you explain what happened" asked the man

"I came home from school and I found him lying on the couch, I thought he was sleeping so I put his beer on the table which he had in his hand and went to meet Tristan" I pointed to Tristan "my cousin"

"Right.." Said the lady taking down notes "please....continue"

"Well when I came back home I noticed that my brother hadn't gone out, and he was in the exact same position as when I left him, so I walked up to him and checked his pulse and his heart beat and noticed he wasn't breathing so I dialled 999, packed my stuff and went to Tristans" I finished

"You didn't stay with him" asked the woman

"No I uh didn't wanna stay in a house with a dead guy" I told her

"Did you know your brother died of a drug overdose" asked the man

"Well.. No but I suspected he's always doing them" i said crossing my arms.

"And have you ever taken any" asked the man. God its just question after question.

"No ive never gone anywhere near them" I said truthfully

"You seem to be taking this quite well were you and your brother close?" Asked the woman

"No not really" I exclaimed

"Okay well I think that's all the answers we need so well be in touch"

"Okay thank you I'll show you to the door" said tristan as he showed the policeman and woman out. I ambled into the kitchen, it was still pretty bad. The window was still smashed just like most of the things in the kitchen and the fridge was gone

"You went ape shite" said tristan coming up behind me

"I'm sorry" I mumbled why do I have to fuck everything up for everybody

"Its okay, you had to snap sometime" said Tristan "so better now then later"

"I'll help pay for the damage" I offered

"I do have a well paid job you know" he laughed

"I know but I'm the one who caused the mess so I should be the one to clean it up" I went on

"No you don't I'll handle it dont worry Kaitlyn" he said pulling me into a hug. " you feel like eating" asked tristan

"Not really" I replied "but if it'll make you happy..I'll eat" I said which I instantly regretted because as soon as I said that Tristan was on the phone to KFC. I silently stalked upstairs and went on to my phone. I didn't have any friends to text or call and I wasn't on any internet sites either. I just liked listening to music.

It took me away from the real world.

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