Chapter 1

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The cold howling wind blew through my long blonde hair as I looked up into the sky. Everything is different now, more enhanced. My emotions were all out of whack, but I am getting used to it. I put my arms out like a bird, wishing that among my new supernatural powers, I could fly. My eyes were closed and the only noise was the sound of an owl hooting up in the tree.

In the last two months my life has changed dramatically. I had become a vampire, fell in love with a hybrid, and learned how to be vampire without being a monster. It's all thanks to Stefan. He helped me understand that life as a vampire doesn't have to be a tragedy. I've learned how to drink blood without taking away somebody’s life and how to control my crazy mood swings. I have been able to overcome my insecure side and best of all not be a control freak. Life was good.

I took a few deep breaths and opened my eyes slowly. I am in a forest, just out of Mystic Falls. The red and yellow leaves flew around in the breeze. A white bunny hobbled out into sight and a mischievous smile formed across my face. I pounced on it, picked it up, and ran faster than fifty miles per hour up the trail and around the trees. I was taking it to a meadow that I found early, but when I saw the blur of a figure out of the corner of my eyes, and stopped abruptly.

It was Bonnie, her brown eyes were wide and she was trembling. Bonnie is a witch, and is still trying to get used to the whole vampire thing. I dropped the bunny and it ran away quickly. "Hey," I waved, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Hi," she swallowed; I could hear her trying to clear her throat. "Um Stefan sent me to find you. He is still worried that you might..." She paused. I could tell what she was going to say, but it still stung. I wish that people would just forget about that time when I first turned and realize that I have changed.

"Oh, yeah I am okay," I laughed remembering that I had to explain myself about the bunny. "I was taking it to a meadow, there is a lot of grass and..." I stopped. She didn't really seem to care that much about my strange need to help things.

"Elena wants to know if you want to stop by her house tonight for dinner." Even though I am a vampire I still can consume food. It only tastes bad when I have a desire for blood.

"Yeah I'll come," I smiled, wishing that she could calm her racing pulse. "Do you want to walk with me?" I asked, praying that she would say yes. As soon as Bonnie realizes that I am not a monster we can go back to being friends.

"No I can walk by myself," she said quickly. I took a deep breath and tried not to show the hurt on my face. She looked at for a moment and then replied, "Actually I would like that," I smiled and ran over to her in a hug.

"Thanks!" I gave out a sigh of relief and we started down the hill. I probably could have made it to the car in five minutes, but walking with Bonnie took a whole hour.

I didn't mind though, it gave us time to talk. We asked each other what we've been up to for the past few months. I told her that I have been learning to control my appetite. She said that she's been learning new spells from her gam's book. We laughed at a few of the stories that we told and by the time we made it to both of the cars I wished that we had more time.

She climbed into her red convertible and I waved to her as she drove by. I turned the key in the ignition and darted off down the road. My cell phone chimed, telling me that I had a text message. Normally I would have waited to look at it, but I don't think that I will get in a crash. I have wonderful reflexes. It was Elena asking if I could stop at the grocery store and pick up tortilla chips and soda. I made a U turn and drove to the nearest Target.


I arrived at the Elena's house at six o'clock, after I had parked, I ran up her porch and through the door. I wouldn't have been allowed in if Elena hadn't invited me. Her house smelled like chili and corn bread, my stomach didn't growl and my mouth didn't water like it would have. Regular food doesn't really have the same taste as it did when I was human.

"Caroline!" Elena gave a warm smile and pulled me into an embrace. She isn't as nervous around me as Bonnie, because she is in love with two other vampires, Stefan and Damon.

"I brought Coke!" I held up my bags and giggled.

"You are my lifesaver," she laughed and took them from me to set them in the kitchen. I followed her and observed that I was the last to arrive. Jeremy, Elena's sixteen year old brother was seated on the couch with his phone. Bonnie was looking out the window, in her own little word. Damon, Stefan and Tyler were at the table, their faces looked intense. And Matt was helping Elena out with the chili.

I walked over to Tyler and gave my gorgeous hybrid boyfriend a peck on the cheek. Tyler is a werewolf and vampire; it's sort of a long story. "Hey sweet thing," Tyler smiled as I sat next to him.

"What are you guys talking about?" I questioned.

Damon sighed and seemed annoyed that I would ask such a thing. Stefan patiently explained, "We are trying to figure out what to do about Klaus."

I made an O with my mouth and looked away. Ugh Klaus. Whenever I thought of him chills would shutter down my body. I haven't even met him yet and I hate him. Hate is such a strong word, and I have never used it, except when I think about Klaus. He is the reason why Tyler became a vampire.

"I say we kill him," Damon shrugged, as if it were that simple.

"He is an original; it won't just kill him to stab him through the heart with a stake." Stefan rolled his eyes and sighed. He put his hands behind his head and leaned back.

"Dinners ready," Elena hollered. "Stop stressing over the impossible and eat your troubles away!" She laughed at her own joke. We all stopped talking and took her advice to stuff ourselves.

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