01; daniel prime

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s6; e13

john and emori entered the room, stopping the people of sanctum on forcing the blood of sanctum into octavia's mouth. right on time, she thought. "blessed is daniel. blessed is kaylee," the people said as they lowered onto their knees, bowing before them. 

john looked around, letting out a slow breath, "what is the meaning of this?" he glanced past bellamy and octavia, not giving it away that he was actually still murphy. he did pretty good, bellamy felt something in his heart tear. i lost him. he teared up and looked away from daniel, broken and terrified. 

the lady responded to daniel, "blessed is daniel. blessed is kaylee. blessed are the primes."

john and emori looked down at her. emori spoke, her voice strong, "rise. and explain yourself." they both walked to the front of the room, looking at their people, but not too subtly. 

the same lady spoke again, "we are purifying sanctum, holiness, as ordered so by russell prime." as john made his way to the front, a guy in the back of the room caught his eye. he brushed it over, ignoring his shocked face and looked at the lady. "hallowed be his name," she finished. everyone else in the room repeated, "hallowed be his name."

john raised his voice, "russell is not here. he abandoned you! we did not." as he was speaking, emori slightly tiled bellamys face so he looked at murphy. they locked gazes and murphy winked at him, letting bell know that it was not daniel. john slightly smiled at him. bellamy realized and let out a heavy breath, trying his best to not give him away. 

"adjustments are for our flock. why are the earth people here?" emori didnt give enough time for anyone to answer, "you know what? never mind. its alright." she looked at bellamy, then echo. "but we shall decide what to do with them," she sucked in a quick breath and looked at john, "lets take them to the palace."

john nodded and she snapped her fingers, "help them to their feet." then john and emori started to the back of the building. "you heard her." "lets go" "get them on their feet" the people of sanctum helped the earth people to their feet. a man spoke to john, "we'll escort you, your holiness." 

daniel shook his head, looking at him, "that wont be necessary." as him and emori made it to the back, they shared a glance. 

as john was leaving the room, he got pulled into a sudden hug. he was taken aback by it, then he heard, "thank the primes." the man pulled away from the hug and he looked into murphy's eyes, "i missed you." then, very suddenly, he put his hands on the sides of john's face and brought him into a kiss. 

bellamy was among the ones of those watching, and boy was he shocked. he stiffened, craning his neck a little to see if murphy was kissing back. for a short moment, a smile spread on his lips, but he quickly let it fade away. he had to play out his part. 

john closed his eyes, what the, he got pulled away from his thoughts as the man pulled away from the kiss. only for a moment though, because when murphy opened his eyes again, the man came back in, capturing his lips again. john tried to pull away for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows and looking at this man kissing him. 

realization struck him like a truck, he thinks im daniel. 

once they both pulled away from the kiss, the man had a confused expression on his face. he looked at murphy's lips then at his eyes, confused. 

"that was.. interesting." murphy glanced at emori and played it off. bellamy stiffled a laugh as he looked down. the man slowly brought his hand down from john's face, letting it slide down his chest. john just gave him a small smile, "another time, perhaps." he walked past him, his face turning serious as he left the room. how the hell am i going to play through this one. 

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