Chapter 1

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This is what I think of when I'm laying on the floor at my neighbors house at three in the morning. Side picture is what Louis is wearing (minus the back pack).

This is just gonna be a short little story with smut at the end. (Yay!^.^)


Louis opens the door to his flat and is greeted by the cheery faces of his family and their various 'Merry Christmas Louis!'s. He beams brightly, welcoming them in the warm flat that smells of Christmas cookies and pine.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here with you, it means a lot, Lou." Jay says to him as she manages to usher the younger children into his home, juggling a suitcase, a nappy bag, and Dorris - Lottie holding onto the other twin.

"It's no problem. I knew you wanted to visit and all so I figured why not Christmas? And I can take you guys ice skating later or tomorrow too." Louis told his mum, helping take her bags from her.

"That would be great, honey." Jay says, settling down on the floor next to Louis' Christmas tree. There are a few presents scattered underneath for and from each family member. She keeps Dorris in her lap, quietly shushing and bouncing her as she begins to cry.

"Hey girls? Where did you all go? We are gonna open presents in a few minutes." Louis calls out, wandering down the hallway looking for his younger siblings. He wanted to get presents opened and out of the way as soon as possible.

Squeals were heard from the back room and the girls came rushing out, plowing over Louis. He chortled, following their lead.

Once he joined his family on the floor, he started passing out presents to each girl and his mother with a giant grin on his face.


"Damnit!" Harry groaned, slamming his spoon down on the table. "Can't even go buy milk 'cos it's Christmas."

All he wanted to do was eat a bowl of cereal but he couldn't due to the lack of milk in his fridge. Harry grumbled to himself grumpily, leaving his cereal behind as he made his way towards the door to put his shoes on.

He forgets to buy milk quite often, resulting in borrowing from his neighbor across the hall. They've only spoken a few times and it's only because of Harry's lack of milk.

Shuffling across the hall, Harry finds himself knocking on Louis' door, not really aware that he may or may not be there with or without family members. All that's on his mind is getting milk.

"Hello, may I help you?" A woman opens the door, startling Harry. He blinks before licking his lips and replying.

"Erm, does Louis still live here or has he moved?" He asked, it has been a while since they last saw each other.

"Yes, he does still live here. Come in, I will go get him for you." The woman opens the door wider to allow him to step in, quickly disappearing afterwards.

Harry awkwardly rocks back and forth on his heels, hands in his pockets as he waits. After a minute, Louis pops into the room with a grin on his face.

"Merry Christmas, 'arry!" He cheerfully greets. His green jumper makes the color of his eyes pop tremendously, Harry notes soon after glancing at him.

"Merry Christmas, Lou." Harry replies with a small smile. He's always thought his neighbor was on the better looking side, but knew nothing was going to happen between the two.

"Need milk again?" Harry sheepishly nodded, scuffing his toes on the floor. "I thought about you the other day while I was shopping. I got you a present." Louis told him as they walked down the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas, this is my present to you." Louis pulled a jug of milk with a little red bow on it out of the fridge, handing it to Harry.

"Is this your way of saying stop coming over here for milk?" Harry joked, taking the milk with a thankful smile.

"No, no! I just thought I would be nice and get you one so you don't have to come over quite as often." Louis quickly explained, worried he had hurt the poor boys feelings.

"It's fine, I was only kidding. Well, I better get going. I don't want to keep you from your family and celebrating Christmas." Harry murmured quietly, looking down at the milk in his large hands. He didn't want to be a bother too much longer.

"Oh, don't worry, you're actually saving me right now. They are all playing with the noisy toys and such. Quite a headache if you ask me." Louis chuckled, leading Harry back out into the hallway.

"Good luck with that. Thank you again, Merry Christmas." Harry said turning towards the door. Louis felt a pang of guilt shoot through him, knowing Harry was just going to go back to his flat and spend Christmas alone. Family was brought up once during a brief conversation they have had before, and by the cringe and the look on Harry's face, Louis knew that he didn't have a good relationship with his parents. That's what made him call out at the last second.

"Hey, Harry!" He had almost closed the door, but stopped, poking his head back in.


"Do you want to stay a little while? You can help me keep my sanity with all the toys and stuff." Louis didn't want to make it seem like he was just asking out of pity. Which he wasn't, not entirely. He also wanted to spend a little bit more time with the younger lad from across the hall.

"You wouldn't mind?" Harry asked tentatively, stepping back into the flat.

"Nope, I need another man in here. I can't deal with all these girls at once, even if I lived with them the majority of my life." Louis laughs, taking the milk back to put in the refrigerator.

"Thank you, you didn't have to stay."

"No, thank you, for giving me a reason to not spend Christmas alone."

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