Chapter 2

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"I hope you don't mind, but we kept opening presents without you." Jay says when she sees Louis' small figure step into the room. She goes to say something else but stops when she realizes her son isn't alone.

"It's fine, I don't mind. This is Harry, my neighbor, by the way." Louis introduces, sitting on the floor in front of his couch. Harry awkwardly waves hello with a small grin, sitting himself down on the couch by Louis.

Harry's eyes travel from what he assumes is Louis' mother, to the small child in her lap, and then to the other children opening presents. They are all very well dressed, making Harry regret coming over in sweatpants and a jumper. He feels so underdressed compared to Louis' family. Harry hunches his shoulders, trying to seem smaller, but it doesn't work for the gigantic boy.

"Merry Christmas, Harry. I'm Jay, Louis' mum." She greets the uncomfortable boy, her voice instantly calming him and making him feel more relaxed. He offers her a small smile, turning away to look at one of the young girls that just squealed and is now jumping up and down.

After a few moments, Harry is forgotten and the Tomlinson family continues to open presents. Harry begins to regret ever coming over here, because now he knows how lonely he truly is. He didn't even get a Christmas card, yet here this family is, opening presents like everyone should. Harry feels empty. He feels bitter. All he wants to do is get his 'gift' of milk and go back to his flat where he can sulk.

As if Louis can feel Harry's distress, he puts a hand on his ankle, looking up at him with a small smile. He keeps his hand there, going back to opening his last gift.

"So, Harry, why are you spending Christmas alone?" Jay asks, causing him to tense up. Louis feels it in his leg. Louis shoots daggers towards his mother but she doesn't seem to notice, her focus being mainly on Harry.

"Erm," Harry stammers, looking for the right words to say. He sends a pleading look down to Louis, knowing it won't help matters. "I, uh-"

"He's not." Louis pipes up. "Harry and I are dating and we thought we would spend Christmas together. I also thought that you could meet him, another reason why I invited you here." He quickly lies, causing Harry to tense up even more. His eyes dart back and forth between Louis, his mother, and the oblivious siblings. Did Louis know that he was gay?

"Ohh, I see it now. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Harry. I hope you're treating my boy right." Harry stares at her, slowly nodding. Is she okay with this? She isn't homophobic? Harry was panicking internally, Louis could tell.

"Relax, babe. We talked about this before, she is okay with gays." Louis soothes, giving Harry a look that says that he has it under control and to trust him. To add extra reassurance, Louis reaches up from his ankle and rubs his knee gently.

"I know. Just forgot we were doing it like this and today." Harry chuckles nervously. He has no clue how this even happened. He just came over for milk.

"Sorry, I should have warned you a little sooner." Louis looks up at him through his eyelashes, smirking.

"It's fine. I mean we couldn't stay hidden forever right?" Louis smiles, knotting his fingers together with Harry's before pressing a light kiss to his knuckles.

"I love you." Louis whispers loudly on purpose. His eyes flicker up to Harry's as he licks his lips. Harry is utterly confused and turned on by how Louis is acting.

"Love you too, Lou." He doesn't even try to make it a whisper, it just comes out that way. His mind is racing too fast for him to comprehend the majority of what is happening.

Eventually, the Tomlinson's go back to their presents, leaving Harry to figure out what is happening. Before he knows it, the older girls are playing with their phones, the younger ones playing with toys, and Jay is in the other room putting the youngest twins down for a nap.

"Hey, sorry about earlier. It was the only thing I could think of. I know you were uncomfortable with the topic so I tried to change the subject. I hope you don't mind." Louis admits sheepishly, moving up on the couch to sit next to Harry.

"It's fine. The question just caught me off guard, and then you did too. Thank you, though." Harry says quietly, staring at the hand that is still holding Louis'. Louis followed Harry's gaze, smiling at the sight.

"They fit together perfectly, don't ya think?" He asks quietly, both of their grips tightening. Harry finally looks up at Louis with a curious expression.

"Are you gay?" Louis nods, still looking at their knotted fingers, knowing that Harry will be pulling away now in disgust. But he doesn't.

"Me too." Harry quietly murmurs, a mix of excitement and fear swirling inside him.

Louis slowly leans his head against Harry's shoulder, unsure of what was happening. Harry tensed for a second before completely relaxing, like putty in his hands. They stay that way for a long while, listening to Jay sing to the twins in the other room and the girls murmur amongst themselves.

"Will you open this for me, Lou? Lotts and Fizz won't." One of the twins clambers over to her older brother, showing him a new toy that hasn't been opened yet. He smiles down at her as she decides to climb into his lap, paying mind to the now sleeping boy next to him.

"Sure thing, kiddo. Are you having a good Christmas so far?" Louis asks, taking the box from her and starting to retrieve the toy from inside. Easier said than done.

Harry's head has now fallen on to Louis' shoulder as he lets out tiny little noises every once and a while.

"Yeah! I got a new Barbie!" Daisy goes to yell but then remembers her younger brother and sister, along with Harry, whispering loudly instead. Louis chuckles, shaking his head.

Once the Barbie is free, Louis tosses the box on the ground near the pile of other boxes and wrapping paper, handing the plastic doll to his sister. He expects her to move from his lap, but instead she curls up and makes herself more comfortable.

"Can I nap with you and your boyfriend?" She asks cutely, unaware that she just made Louis' heart melt.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty long day hasn't it?" Daisy mumbles something and yawns, clutching the Barbie to her chest. Louis gently kisses her head before leaning his on top of Harry's, slipping their fingers back together again. He sighs, wanting something similar to this in the future.

"Lou? Since your a boy and you like boys, is it okay for me to like girls?" Daisy asks quietly, half asleep. Louis is surprised by the question, but welcomes it with open arms.

"Yeah, Daisy, it is okay to like whoever you want. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise." He whispers, wrapping his free arm around her small body. By now, she is fully asleep, not having heard her big brother. But her question makes Louis realize she isn't so little anymore, she is growing up.

Louis sighs, kissing her forehead again and then Harry's, even if they aren't really dating. He just felt really comfortable right now and wouldn't want to change it for the world.


I am currently soooo sick like Ebola sick actually I'm not i just keep puking but anyways awh awh little Daisy questioning her sexuality and then Louis and Harry cuddling and lying about being together. Idk I thought this chapter was cute. I'm in a cutesy mood. Y'all are cute. Next chapter should be up within a day or two. Love you guys. Stay weird xx

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