Chapter 3

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Louis wakes up to a soft hand shaking his shoulder gently.

"Lou, wake up. I made us dinner."

Louis whines, burying his face into someone's hair. The hand shakes his shoulder again, but Louis waves it off.

"I'm up! I'm awake!" He groggily mumbles, listening to Jay walk back to the kitchen. Louis groaned again, almost wrapping himself around the other person, when the realization hit him.

He thought he would jump away, or anything really, but instead all he did was slowly open his eyes. A lazy smiled made its way onto his face when Louis saw Harry wrapped just as much around him as he was to Harry.

"Harry, wake up." Louis gently shook the slumbering boy next to him. Harry let out a small whimper, tightening his grip on Louis' hand. "Harry, come on."

Harry's eyes fluttered open, instantly meeting Louis'. Both men smiled, pulling away from each other when they heard a baby crying.

"Come on, my mum made dinner, are you staying?" Louis asked, untangling himself from the larger boy. He helped him off the couch, keeping their fingers knotted together. It was to keep up the lie that they were dating, Louis told himself, not because he liked the feeling of his fingers between Harry's.

"If you don't mind, I didn't have anything planned anyways." Harry sheepishly admitted.

"Come on."


"Phoebe! Stop playing with your food!" Jay scolded.

"But I'm not hungry!" She whined, pushing a piece of ham around her plate with her fork. Jay groaned, telling her to 'just eat' and looking over to her son and his 'boyfriend'.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" She asked curiously, watching as the two looked at each other.

"Erm, three months." Louis told her, acting sheepish. He glanced to his left over to Harry, looking for backup. He couldn't do this alone.

"How did you meet?" Jay asked, starting the interrogation. It was Harry's turn to answer.

"I came over to borrow some milk. I kept purposely forgetting to buy milk just to come over here and see Lou. After a few weeks, Louis confronted me, and we've been together ever since."

Louis stared at Harry, thinking 'Damn, he was a great liar'. But then he thought about it and raised an eyebrow at his supposed boyfriend. Did he really keep forgetting milk, or was this actually the truth coming out of his mouth?

Jay asked a few more questions, both men taking turns to answering them. She seemed pleased with their answers, so she dropped the questions. When everyone was finished eating, aside from Phoebe who refused to eat, Jay and Louis cleared the table. Harry talked with the two oldest girls until they came back.

"Hold on, I have a surprise for you Lou. Stay at the table for a minute, please?" Jay disappeared back into the kitchen, Louis and Harry looking at each other cluelessly. Minutes later, she came back in with a cake in her hands.

"Since we couldn't make it down yesterday, you're getting your cake today. Happy birthday, Lou." She told him, setting the cake on the table in front of him and lighting the 23 candles that were on top.
Harry's face scrunches up, turning to look at Louis.

"Your birthday is Christmas Eve, and you didn't even bother to tell me?" Harry almost let it slip that he was clueless but caught it, making it look like a couple fight.

"Sorry, babe, slipped my mind. Never really celebrated my birthday all that much because it is Christmas Eve." Louis shrugged it off, acting like it was no big deal. But Harry saw that little flash of hurt before it disappeared.

"Well, I am going to make it up to you." He stated firmly, leaning over and whispering in his ear afterwards, "As soon as your family leaves you'll get your present."

Harry doesn't know where this sudden surge of confidence, or horniness, came from. But he honestly was quite enjoying it, especially when Louis' grip on his hand tightened and he let out a quiet strangled whimper.

"What are you gonna wish for, Lou?" Daisy piped up, hopping up and down in her seat on the other side of Louis.

"Well, Daisy, I might wish for your older two sisters to stop sticking their noses in their phones all day so they know what's going on. Or I might wish for that pony you still want. Or, I might wish to see you guys again soon. Which do you think?" He asked her playfully, glancing at the older two sisters who were oblivious to what he had said.

"Wish to come see us! And my pony!" Daisy squealed.

"No! Wish for koala for me!" Phoebe exclaimed, almost leaping across the table.

"If you're taking requests, I say wish for those two to drop their phones once and a while." Jay said, rolling her eyes and sighing.

"Alright, alright. I wish for all of that to happen." Louis scrunched his eyes up tight, blowing out almost all the candles. Harry leaned over and blew out the last one, smirking at Louis.

"Missed one," He said lowly, pulling back and smiling smugly to himself.

Two can play at this game, Louis thought as Jay sliced the cake and served it to everyone. So, just as Harry was about to take bite, Louis bumped him just right so it fell off the fork and onto his leg, right near his crotch. Harry immediately looked up at him with a glare.

"Birthday boy gets first bite." He replied cooly, taking a bite out of his own. Before Harry could grab his own napkin though, Louis had his and was teasingly wiping the cake off Harry's leg. After it was gone, Louis had dropped the napkin on the table and his hand returned to his leg, rubbing slow circles into the fabric that got closer and closer to his crotch.

"Louis, stop." Harry almost moaned, but managed to grit his teeth and say it properly. His eyes flickered over to the oblivious girls, and then to Jay who looked as if she knew what was going on.

Louis huffed in annoyance, knowing both of them were turned on but couldn't do anything with his family there. He retracted his hand from Harry's leg, making sure to lightly brush the small bulge that had started to grow.

"Louis, I was thinking that since we were going to visit the city tomorrow and you still live a few minutes away from it, we could get a hotel room tonight, so we don't have to be a bother." Her eyes flickering between Louis and Harry, showing them she knew what was going on.

"You're not a bother, mum. But if you really want to, you can. I missed you guys and I would feel bad if you left." He told her honestly, but almost quickly backtracked when Harry decided it was his turn to tease Louis by placing his large hand on his inner thigh. Harry pretended to not care about what he was doing, talking to Phoebe across the table about her favorite cake flavor.

"We can always meet in the morning, you said you wanted to take us skating, right? That's in the city, so we could always meet there, and then you can show us around a bit more." Jay was persistent, causing Louis to cave. That and, Harry's hand had now traveled up his leg more, causing Louis to almost squirm.


"Say goodnight girls, we'll meet with him tomorrow morning." Jay said, still putting the tiny coats on Ernest and Dorris. Each girl hugged Louis and said their goodbyes, waiting by the door to leave with their bags. Eventually, everyone was all situated and as they were walking out the door, Jay handed Ernest to Lottie to carry.

"I wanna talk to Louis real quick, I'll be right out girls." Jay shooed them out the door, pulling Louis in close by his arm.

"I'm not stupid, Louis. I was young once, too. I figured this would be easier than trying to hold out till we left. Just be safe. I love you, happy birthday, and Merry Christmas." Jay told him, catching Louis off guard, and then hugging him. Just as she turned to leave she stopped, "Oh, and boys? I know you aren't really dating."

With that, she was out the door, leaving behind a bewildered and horny Louis and Harry.



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