chapter 24: an explanation

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the day after your date with kyoka everyone came home, they were very surprised to see you. "wait (y/n), your awake!?" kirishima asks when he sees you. "yea!" you reply happily. "you should all enjoy it while your here though, since we are leaving tomorrow." you add. "when did you wake up?" iida asks, "two days ago, the first day i was bedridden but yesterday i was able to get up and walk around." you reply, "what did you do?" midoriya asks, "nothing much." you lie. 'i wonder if kyoka wants to keep our date private?' you think to yourself. "i gotta go, ill see you guys later." you say walking to he girls dorms. 

when you knock on kyokas door she answers quickly. "hey, can we talk?" you ask, "sure, come on in." she says, when you walk in you sit down on her bed net to her. "so, about our date." you start. "first off, would you like to be my girlfriend?" you ask, "w-wait, really!?" she asks surprised. "well yea, i mean its not like we are stranger or anything, we already know each other pretty well." you explain. "i-i would love to." she says. "okay, now next question, do we want everyone to know?" you ask. "i dont see why not." she says, "but dont just go telling people randomly, if they ask just tell them." she explains. "okay, kirishima, midoriya, and iida have already asked what i did yesterday." you say. "well, i gotta get dressed, ill see ya later." she says. 

when you walk downstairs you call kirishima, midoriya, and iida over. "whats up?" kirishima asks. "well you guys asked what i did yesterday i figured i would tell you what i really did." you explain. "so you lied!?" iida asks, "yes, but when i tell you youll get it." you explain. "okay, so what happened?" midoriya asks, "well yesterday me and kyoka went on a date." you say blankly. "what!? i thought i could trust you (y/n)! but then you take advantage of one of the girls! i will be informing aizawa immediately!" iida scolds. "wait a second, follow me please." you say starting to get frustrated. when you arrive you knock on kyokas door. "whats up?" she asks confused. "iida thinks im taking advantage of you so i had them come over so you can prove me innocent." you say bluntly. "huh? okay, come in guys." she says. "what is the meaning of this!?" iida demands. "w-well, since he saved me at the USJ (y/n) has k-kinda been my crush...when he woke up i confessed to him because i felt what life was like without him." kyoka explains. "so he didnt force you or take advantage of you in any way?" iida asks. "no, ive seen him and mina be more intimate than we ever were." kyoka explains. "now that i think about it, the only girl he has been less intimate than with me is momo. ochako slept in his arms, and before you ask she literally asked too since it was after the slap incident. tooru, well yknow...tsu has seen him get dressed before, since she, ochako, and tooru helped him before our date. and mina and him have hugged, cuddled, been overly affectionate, like a little sister who is excited to see her big brother." kyoka lists. "well, i apologize (y/n), i should have gotten more details. though out of curiosity, if i asked the other girls if you had ever taken advantage of them or questioned them about what you just said, they would all say he was fine?" iida asks. "yea, shoot i can send a group message real quick." kyoka says. 

<hey girls, iida thought (y/n) took advantage of me because of our date, could you tell him about your most intimate moment with him and if he took advantage of you or not?> kyoka texts. ochako is the first reply. <well, i would say either when we slept together or when i hung on him for hours on end, either way i was the one who initiated it.> then tsu replys. <probably watching him get dressed, me, ochako, and tooru kinda just barged in and he still offered to change in the bathroom.> next is mina. <well emotionally it was when i jokingly told my family we all banged and he heard me, physically probably when that night i forced him to sleep in my bed instead of on the floor>  after a few more minutes tooru responds. <well, when he saved me, my shirt was definitely half off with my bra and breast showing, i dont think he realized because he still ran over and took me into his arms to protect me.>  <well we havent had any really, but i would say the closest is when he stood in front of the hole in the locker room.> momo finishes. 

"well, i see i underestimated you (y/n). i am very sorry." iida says sadly, "its no problem man, if anything i see it as a good thing." you say, "what how!?" he asks confused. "well, that just means that you care about the girls deeply and even if you trust somebody you arent afraid to accuse the." you explain. "anyway, any questions from you two?" you ask kirishima and midoriya. "didnt you see jiro as a little sister?" midoriya asks confused. "well, kinda. i wanted her to be happy of course but i saw her as less of a sister then mina, or ochako." you explain. "plus, i never really saw him as my big brother...more of as my hero." she says the last part quietly. "wait really!?" kirishima asks starting to get excited. "well yea, he saved my life twice, both times almost giving up his." kyoka explains. "well did you have a good time jiro?" iida asks. "yes! it was a dream come true!" she says before thinking. "w-wait, i-" she starts stuttering while turning red. "its fine, i get it. if your happy then im happy." you say with a smile. "thanks." "well, i think im gonna go take a nap, im gonna need all the energy i can get for tomorrow." you say. "goodnight (y/n)!" kyoka calls.

the next day when you wake up you immediately pack your stuff and get dressed before leavving to talk with aizawa. when you get to his dorm he seems surprised to see you. "what are you doing here (y/n)?" he asks. "okay, let me say this and correct me if im wrong. where we are going there are hot springs separated by gender, the same goes for the sleeping areas. now what im worried about is the fact that the times are probably still the same, and there is a certain purple midget that likes girls too much." you say. "well, you actually hit the nail right on the head. we were originally going to go to a forest with the wild wild pussycats but we heard there was a villain attack. since there was one we had to move it, we decided on a small island in the pacific ocean." aizawa explains. "we were going to have one of them look out but they couldnt leave their base, i was actually going to come look for you to ask you to." aizawa finishes. "what do you mean?" you ask confused. "well, i asked the girls if they would rather have me, all might, or you up there and they said you." he explains. "wait...up where exactly?" you ask, "on the wall separating the hot springs, they also asked if you could be in the girls room again." he explains. "of course they did. yea ill do it, there are very few other people i would trust to." you say. "good, now we are not going to announce this to the students, there are a few who i think might be out for blood if we did." aizawa explains. 'yea, mineta and kaminari for perv reasons, maybe kirishima for the girls sake.' you think to yourself. "but just like the situation with you and jiro, if somebody asks just tell them its not like its a secret or anything." "so she told you?" you ask, "yea, i was also there when she confessed to you. she also has asked me if student relationships are allowed." he says. "okay, if you want to act like iida i have a screenshot of the girls saying i didnt take advantage of them in times of need." you say jokingly. "what did he do this time?" aizawa asks confused. "well, when i first told him me and kyoka were dating he thought i was taking advantage of her. so naturally i let her explain and when she listed off how ive been closer to the other girls in class then her iida asked if i had taken advantage of them too so she teted them asking for what our most intimate moment was and if i took advantage of them. from looking at it i learned that apparently when i saved tooru she was half naked but i didnt even realize, i just hugged her." you explain. "i ended up screenshotting it for when somebody asks if i took advantage of them again." "well i will admit that the first thing i asked when she said you kissed her cheek was if you were taking advantage of her." he admits. "its fine." you say. "well, you better go finish getting ready, we leave in twenty minutes."

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