chapter 64: winner!

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when all might says to take a break you go hang out with the girls. "man! bummer you lost toory." mina says sadly, "yea, neither of us had a real chance though." tooru says teasingly. "yea, i was in the same boat." tsuyu agrees. "you guys were lucky, i didnt have a chance against tetsutetsu." momo says sadly, "it was just a bad match up. your more powerful than most of the people in this class." you say reassuringly. "h-hey kyoka? (y/n)? can we talk privately for a minute?" ochako asks, "of course." you say, "uh, yea sure." kyoka says reluctantly. when you go into a different room ochako starts crying. "shinso really got to me...(y-y/n) that isnt true is it?" ochako ask sadly, "which part? that i care for and love all of you? or the part about the harem?" you joke, "everything about you not really loving us, a-and only liking us for our bodies a-and-" ochako says sobbing, "ochako look at me." you say, when she looks at you, you continue. "i love you like you were my own family. shinso was just trying to get you to respond. i love kyoka more than anything on this earth, i know you love izuku more than anything and i know he does too. im not planning on breaking up with kyoka any time soon and, i would never, and i mean NEVER even consider anything sexual with you guys." you say before giving her a hug, "ochako, everything is okay, i know that (y/n) loves me, he loves you all." kyoka says calmly, "besides, if (y/n) ever tries anything ill help you kill him." kyoka jokes. "t-thanks, lets go watch the tournament now."

round two, fight one: (y/n) vs tenya

when the match begins tenya tries to run at you, you send a x1 beam of overblasts at him, firing continuously you are able to hold him back. when he stops moving you stop firing, however you quickly aim a blast at him x10. it gets close but he dodges at the last second. "recipro burst!" tenya yells as he powers up. 'shit, he might be too fast!' you think, as soon as you see him start moving you fire continuous x10 overblasts, fortunately one hits which sends him out of bounds. "iida is out! (y/n) wins!"

round two, fight two: ochako vs eijiro

the instant the match begins both parties rush at each other. 'whoever lands the first hit will have a huge advantage, and eijiros quirk wont be very effective!' you think, "i dont wanna hurt you! but i will if i need too!" eijiro says excitedly, "same here!" ochako says. when they get close eijiro sends a right hook towards ochako, she dodges under it and attempts to touch his arm, unfortunately eijiro backs up and goes into his unbreakable form. the two run at each other and go for the final strike, eijiro is able to hit ochako in the leg with a kick and sends her out of bounds. "uraraka is out! kirishima wins!"

round two, fight three: sato vs kyoka

the moment the round started kyoka broke apart the floor and knocked sato over, before he could get up she used her boots to send him out. "sato is out! jiro wins!"

round two, fight four: tokoyami vs shoto

this was another fast win, tokoyami surrendered when shoto shot fire at him.

round two, fight five: izuku vs tetsutetsu 

when the match started izuku ran at tetsutetsu, he tried to knock him out of bounds while tetsutetsu just tried to wear izuku out. this went on for ten more minutes until izuku finally won."

"now i am sure you all see our issue, we have five people going into our semi-finals. what we are going to do is have (y/n) and kirishima fight, then todoroki and midoriya, and finally we will have jiro choose who to fight." all might explains, you then raise your hand. "yes (y/n)?" all might asks, already expecting the answer. "i just wanted to warn everyone that even if i could beat kyoka, i wont. it hurt me enough seeing mina hurt, i dont think i could handle fighting kyoka." you say, "what?! (y/n) you cant hold back!" katsuki says angrily, "if you and ochako had a fight like in the sports festival, do you think you could handle her fighting until she collapses now?" you ask him, "well no of course not. i shouldnt have then either." katsuki says sadly, "exactly, now imagine that person means the world to you, one of the reason you live, without her you couldnt go on." you say, "thats fair i guess." katsuki says sadly, "(y/n), dont give up! i dont care if you hurt me!" kyoka says stubbornly, "i dont care. me and mina have the kind of relationship where i could walk over to her and slap her in the cheek and she would laugh, its brother sister, however with you, its romantic, i want you to feel safe with me, i dont want to be a possible danger." you explain, "so what you are saying is that if you and jiro have to fight you will surrender?" all might asks, "yes." you reply. "okay, well lets get going on to the next round!" all might says.

round three, fight one: (y/n) vs eijiro

"hey man, i honestly cant tell if your super manly or not very manly." eijiro says, "what do you mean?" you ask while sending an overblast at him. "well, you dont want to hurt your girlfriend, but you are willing to give up." eijiro says while running at you, "well, sorry, but i cant help with that!" you say before hitting eijiro with an overblast x15. "kirishima is out! (y/n) wins!"

round three, fight two: izuku vs todoroki

"so, round two?" izuku asks, "lets do it." shoto says with a smirk. izuku immediately jumps at shoto, however he retaliates with a rush of ice. "take this!" izuku says before flicking his fingers, "not again!" you say worriedly. however when the dust settles you see that his hand is okay. "lets jump ahead." shoto says before lighting his whole left side on fire. izkuku jumps towards him and sends a kick at him, shoto heats up the air rapidly causing an explosion. "the person moving on is...midoriya!"

round three, fight three

"alright jiro, you have a choice, either way if you beat izuku you win the tournament, do you want a guaranteed place in the finals or to fight izuku first?" all might asks, "well, i dont want to ruin (y/n)s chances, so ill fight izuku." kyoka says confidently. "okay then! go prepare!"

the match starts with a bang, kyoka destroys the field again, however izuku just jumps over it, as izuku gets close to her kyoka readies her jacks to stab him. unfortunately izuku dodges and sends her out of bound with a kick. "that decides it! the finals will be (y/n) vs midoriya!"

finals: (y/n) vs izuku 

"may the best man win." izuku says, "nah, your a way better person, but im not gonna lose." you say before overclocking x17. "fair enough!" izuku shouts before attacking you, he tries to kick your legs out from under you but you are able to punch him in the chest. before he can land you jump at him and kick him in the chest, "full cowling! 30%" izuku shouts as he gets even more powerful, "well, if your at thirty...then i should be too. ultra overclock! x30!" you shout as you power up, it feels like you are being repeatedly stabbed. "no! (y/n), what are you doing!?" kyoka shouts, "ill be fine." you mumble, "lets go!" izuku shouts as he jumps at you, before he can land however you take a page out of his book. "x50...SMASH!" you shout as you flick your finger, powering it up. it makes so much wind it pushes clouds away. "(y/n)...WINS!"

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