chapter 118: sacrifice

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WARNING: this chapter is one of the more unsettling ones ive written, right up there with the nightmares, last chapter, and when they visit (y/n) in the hospital, only to find a disfigured body.

three days. its been three days since you left your family. three days of killing the zombies. at this point you have whittled their numbers down a bit, but with only one arm its very difficult. now you were cornered, they had you trapped on top of the hot springs wall. 'there are only eight left...kota, tsuyu, tenya, tetsutetsu, mandalay, tiger, pixie bob, and ragdoll.' you think while looking down at them, however before you can come up with a plan tsuyu starts to climb the wall. "shit!" you exclaim before shooting her with an overblast, when it connects you can see her flesh rip apart before she drops back down to the ground, dead. since she made the first move, the other zombies start attacking the wall too. 'all for them!' you think while firing overblast after overblast into their heads. after a few minutes only kota is left, you kill him quickly and start walking back to where you left the group.

when you arrive you are horrified to see nobody there, "guys? guys?!" you shout worriedly, suddenly you notice tooru walking towards you. "tooru? where is everyone?" you ask her, however she doesnt respond, "tooru?!" you ask, raising your voice. "dammit!" katsuki says as he bursts through the underbrush to your right, with tears in his eyes you watch helplessly as he blows tooru apart. "dammit...she didnt deserve this!" he says angrily, "what the hell happened?!" you ask, "the night after you left she woke up, before we could do anything she killed tokoyami and mina." katsuki says, "fuck! why didnt i think of that possibility?!" you yell, more angry at yourself than anyone else. "anyway, are all the other zombies dead?" he asks, "yea. i never found postmortal though." you explain, "odd..." katsuki says while deep in thought, "kacchan you cant run off anymore! there could be zo-oh! (y/n)!" izuku says while exiting the forest with the others. "(y/n)! you made it!" kyoka says before running over and hugging you tightly, "yea." you say with no emotion, "anyway, the only zombies left are mina and tokoyami, postmortal is also out there still." you say bluntly, " really killed them all?" ochako asks, "yea." you reply. "then lets go kill them." eijiro says confidently, "you good bro?" you ask, "yea. im fine." he says.

after a while of searching you are able to locate tokoyami and mina, luckily with the whole group you were able to take them down in seconds. "lets get back to the road. if the forcefield isnt gone, then we can just camp there until they take it down." you say before leading the way back. when you arrive momo creates a tent for everyone, after that everyone got some much needed sleep.
"(y/n)!" you wake up to your name being screamed, you run outside to see zombies...all of them. they were approaching from the side with momos tent. "momo!" you yell before running over, however when you arrive you see her ripped to shreds, by none other than shoto. "everyone awake! now! the damned zombies are back and they killed momo!" you shout before punching shoto in the face. without even overclocking, you were able to pop his head off in pure rage and adrenaline. "fuck off!" katsuki screams before blowing some of them up, you look behind you to see that everyone is now here. "there are too many! we need to run!" izuku says, "you guys go! you at least have something left to live for. i dont." eijiro says before going into his unbreakable form and running into the hoard. "run!" you scream, however when you look back you see crimson red splatter on the ground.

after about a minute of running a few of the zombies catch up, "go!" katsuki shouts while exploding them. you keep running until you are all able to get up a tree and hide. "kacchan...eijiro...momo." izuku says guiltily, "look. the odds of any of us getting out of here are becoming slimmer and slimmer. i can get you three out. just listen." you say, when they all look at you, you continue. "ever since izuku gave me one for all and i died, i have been able to go up to x70 with no consequences. i did the math and at that speed i can go billions times the speed of light. i also only have the aftereffects of a normal overclock, no matter how high." you explain, "so whats your plan?" izuku asks, "well buddy, me and you are gonna go out in a blaze of glory. im going to pierce through the barrier, when i do i need you to get the girls out. it might only stay down for a split second, so i think your gonna need to use over 100% plus an overclock." you explain, "what?! no!" ochako argues, "its either this or we all die slow, painful deaths. if even one of us get out, then this is a win." you say, "lets do it." izuku agrees.

after going to the closest edge of the border you begin your plan. "okay izuku, im gonna overclock you x100, then fire myself at this barrier faster than anything else in the universe, when i do, i need you to use the entirety of one for all if you have to. because if none of us get out of this, then one for all dies anyway." you explain, "right. but first, all of you take one of my hairs. whoever survives, eat it." izuku demands, "okay..." kyoka agrees reluctantly. "ready?" you ask while overclocking your body to its absolute limit. "ready." izuku says before picking up the girls. "good. xTEN MILLION!" you say before launching yourself at the wall, when you make contact you can feel it rip you apart, however you rip it apart as well.

*izuku POV*

"hold on! one for all, one million percent! full cowling!" izuku says as he activates it, within the blink of an eye he turns around and shouts again, "UNITED! STATES! OF! SMASH!" he screams before punching the air behind him. he holds the girls tightly as he travels through the massive explosion of energy that you made, taking all the damage onto himself. within moments he found himself miles away from the camp, however he could feel himself fading. "ochako..." he mutters, "its gonna be okay izuku! you and (y/n) saved us!" ochako reassures with tears in her eyes, "h-hair." he says weakly. ochako nods and places it in her mouth, as izuku fades she can feel the power within her grow. izuku smiles and starts fading faster...

*kyoka POV*

'they really did it.' i think as i watch izuku die, however before me and ochako can process whats happening, we wake up?

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