Carpe Diem

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Tine POV: 

As I woke up, flashes of what happened last night flew trough my head.

Tine you're crazy 

What did I do, why did I do this.

Wat was sound asleep, he was holding me in his embrace, and I gotta admit that I quite liked it.

I started looking at him, observing him, studying him. His face seemed calm, seeing him up-close made me  understand the numbers of fan that he has. 

He is appealing. 

Now that I think about that, I've never had a boyfriend like that, it's the first time I've felt, whatever I'm feeling for him. 

It's just that he has this warmth, he doesn't allow too many people around him so just being with him makes you special, he really cares about his friends even tho he complains about them a lot, if you ask for his help he'll be there.

Well I asked and here we are. 

I didn't realize how much I had learned about him in such a short time. 

He moved, startling me. I tried to free myself from his embrace, but he just turned my way, looking at me with soft eyes. 

He has the most expressive eyes I've ever seen, one look and you could feel his mind. 

"Enjoying the view" he murmured 

"I was wondering" I whispered "Do your lines ever work? " I continued with a giggle. 

"You tell me, I only use them with you" he answered  almost instantly.

My heart skipped a beat. 

"Oh my God, such a player move" I said tapping his shoulder

"Breakfast?" he asked 

"I'll go shower first" I said finally able to free myself. 

I head to the shower, my face froze when I saw Wat's work. 

What an ....

Hickies, I had like five hickies, two of them very visible on my neck, one on my torso, one on my belly and one on my side.

I took a quick shower to freshen up, and wrapped a towel around my waist. 

"Are you for real Saraleo" I shouted as I got out of the bathroom. 

"What" he asked still laying on his bed 

"Are you a Vampire ? Are you after my blood?" I asked with all seriousness 

He finally looked my way. 

"It's were appetizing" he admitted with puppy eyes.

I felt my cheeks getting warmer. 

I hate when he does that, this whole true honesty, every time he does it I don't know how to respond. 

"Some of them I can hide" I started "But these" I continued pointing to the one beneath my ear and the very apparent one on my neck.

"Sorry" he said a smirk on his face

He was not sorry. 


"Don't you have class today ?" I asked as I start putting my clothes on.

"Nope just band practice this afternoon, we have a gig tonight so we'll practice some songs" he answered looking trough his phone.

Teacher's Pet : Sarawat / TineWhere stories live. Discover now