Movie Time

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Sarawat POV: 

That whole night felt like a dream, he stayed in my embrace and we ended up sleeping in the living room. 

A few weeks passed by since the most unplanned confession from the history of confessions and things have been good lately.

I spend most of my time with my favorite nuisance, doing random things, what more could I ask for. 

Him actually liking me back

I am still teaching him music, and I think he actually likes it, he's not good at it but I give him A for his looks.... I meant efforts. 

As for our private relation, well it's going I guess. 

We're taking things slow and I already agreed to give him all the time he needs when I confessed. 

I just didn't know he'd take that much. 

Man was at my place  for our weekly game night, and even tho I'm not really the type to ask for advice and all, right now I was desperate. 

I swallowed my pride and seriously talked to Man who suggested I should "Bang him and make him mine" and as much as this option sounds appealing I just couldn't. 

"Can't you give me some good advice for a change" I retorted annoyed. 

"Look Wat, you did everything you could , at this point all you have to do is wait and  as frustrating as it sounds like that's your only cue, now gear up and attack those monsters cause our team is in danger" he said focusing on our game. 

He was right, even if I came up with a hundred ideas it will all come down to his feelings, and I have no grip on them.

So after using what was left of useful brain, I decided I would just show him that I care for him and let him decide. 

We had planned to meet for our daily guitar session today so I arrived a bit early and played a little something before he arrived. 

"What's that song called" Tine asked when I finished.

I didn't hear him arrive.

"It has no name yet, but if I had to name it I'll have your name" I answered teasing him.

You inspire me. 

"What a player" he mumbled blushing 

"Only with you" I joked patting his hair.

We sat in the music room and played for a moment, he got the chord wrong so I placed my hand on his to move his fingers. 

Electricity ran through me. 

Focus Sarawat. 

Trying to act as natural as possible, I showed him the correct way to play, he was so happy to finally  he turned to face me with the most blinding smile a human being can give. 

"See I did it! " he shouted ecstatic. 

A laugh got out of my mouth, sometimes he acts like the cutest kid on earth. 

I patted his hair and we resumed our session. 

"Wat, do you have anything planned on Saturday ?" he asked as we were wrapping up.

"Nope, I'll probably just stay home and sleep?" I answered 

"Than can you accompany me to the mall ?" He said "I want to get myself a guitar" he continued.

"Is this a date ?" I joked 

He looked at me with fiery eyes. 

"Okay Okay I'm just kidding, I'll come with you" I surrendered smiling.

Teacher's Pet : Sarawat / TineWhere stories live. Discover now