Ch 21 Start of something wonderful

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Mitch POV

*wakes up and kisses Madi on the head. *

Morning my love im gonna go make poutine.

*makes poutine with bacon. *

Baby its done come and enjoy.

Madi POV

Your making poutine.

Im coming down.

*shares poutine with Mitch. *

Mitch POV

I thank you for sharing and i hope you enjoyed the delicious breakfast.

So im going to take a shower.

Madi POV

Okay wait for me. (Not what you think)

Im coming.

|||||||||~they take shower together~||||||||

Mitch POV

That shower really woke me up to prepare for this day because a friend is coming over.

Madi POV

I can't wait to see who you befriended before you started dating me.

(Jess POV)

I haven't seen Mitch in for ever when i see him im gonna show him how i feel.

*drives to Mitch's house and rings door bell. *

Madi POV

She's here im gonna go edit videos.

Mitch POV

Okay my love im gonna go to my roof its comfortable to relax at.

Jess POV

I think he said he'd be on roof so ill go their.

Hey Mitch how are you i haven't seen you forever.

I have to tell you something.

Mitch POV


Jess POV

I like you will you go out with me?

Mitch POV

Your my friend and all but im seeing someone.

Jess POV

Im not taking no for a answer.

*takes off close and in bikini and try's to kiss Mitch. *

Madi POV

*walks to roof and sees a girl trying to kiss Mitch and he is resisting. *

Mitchy no.

*runs to Mitch and pushes lady away from Mitch and then punches her.

Mitch POV

You fought her for me you truly love me.

??? POV

I walk and see a girl in pain so i activate my curse and she is sucked into a black hole.

Well back off to ashley.

Madi POV

Where is she she disappeared i saw a flash and she vanished i guess it was for the best.

Mitch POV

I guess so (lol)

Well now i feel crappy would you like to go on a date.

Madi POV

I would love to.

So where we going.

Mitch POV

Its a surprise.

But we are going now.

(Time skip till they get their)

Madi POV

Oh my gosh its beautiful.

Mitch POV

Only the best for my love.

We will go to a nice cabin in the forest where we can relax and not worry about youtube.

Madi POV

Thank you Mitchy i can't wait.

And maybe we can have fun for once after Ryan saved us.

Mitch POV

True but we need to make a final video for him and then we can go camping.

Madi POV

So no date mainly we are preparing for a trip.

Mitch POV

Basically Madi but this trip will be our date.

So i hope your ready.

Madi POV

Don't worry i am.

So can we go to sleep now its 10;00 P.M.

Mitch POV

Okay lets go home and tomorrow we will prepare for the trip.

* drives home. *

So baby , oh she's already asleep and laying on my chest well i won't wake her as i close my eyes and drift of to sleep.


My furry bookworms i hope you enjoyed stay warm.

p.s  i killed jess bc well i really dont like the chick 

but no hate

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