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metal /ˈmɛt(ə)l/
a solid material with good electrical conductivity.
a main component of an asteroid.


soonyoung would often be described as outgoing and a literal extrovert. sure, from time to time he would appreciate a break but usually soonyoung was a bold person who absorbed energy and excitement from other people's presence.

he lives with another male called junhui, who together, ran a dance company. it was a hectic life for soonyoung but the boy liked the bustling and lively feeling of seoul. and yeah sure sometimes soonyoung can get too serious and suddenly have a breakdown, but in general, the boy knows his limits and will always take a break when needed.

sometimes he wondered if he should try settling down though, take time to find a partner because being an absolute miserable third-wheel around junhui and his boyfriend minghao could really struck a sudden pain in his heart. but soonyoung always manages to blow it off, the thought being pushed back into his head once more.

never had soonyoung ever properly stopped to think about his nonexistent love life, which is quite surprising for a 21 year old boy. he believes that the youth is for enjoying life and spending it with his friends — who actually aren't single and soonyoung would end up being a loner — instead of spending his time, effort and occasionally money on just a special someone.

basically, fuck romantic feelings was soonyoung's motto.

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