53. Mistakes

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tw: violence,,, please skip forward if you need!

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tw: violence,,, please skip forward if you need!

They parked a couple of blocks down the road from the building, getting out of the car. Jiah couldn't hold herself from running to the other pair's car, flinging Jungkook's door open and reaching into it to give him a hug.

He seemed surprised at the gesture, stepping out quickly to hug her back, "You okay, Shadow?"

"It's Jiah to you," she scrunched her nose at him as she craned her neck upward to look at him, "We got this, right? It's all going to be over soon, right?"

"Yes," he grinned, placing a small kiss to her forehead, "It'll all be over soon."

"Please don't get into much trouble, Jungkook. Look after yourself in there, okay? I won't be there to watch over you, so you better look after yourself as if you were looking after me, got it?"

He chuckled, letting go of her, "Of course."

"You pinky promise?" she asked, sticking up her smallest finger at him, to which he stopped laughing, expression turning solemn.

A pinky promise was the gravest of all settlements.

"Yes. But you have to promise the same. I won't be there to cover your clumsy ass, so you need to look after yourself too, okay? Make sure you don't jump into danger unless you have to, and promise me you'll be back out here alive."

"Of course, asshat," she wiggled her eyebrows as she used the nicknames she missed calling him, "I promise."

And with that, they intertwined their pinkies earnestly.

Taehyung wanted to follow the sentiment, so he, too, walked over to his best friend's side of the car, knocking on the window for him to step out.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he did precisely that, "You better not be wanting to kiss me on the forehead too, loser."

"Shut up," Taehyung snapped, opening his arms for him to walk into, "Shut up and give me a hug."

"Whatever," he grinned as he did as he was asked, "You're so embarrassing."

"I said shut up, Jimin," he snapped again, burying his head into his best friend's shoulder, "You better not fucking fuck up in there you fucking asshole, okay?"

"Woah, woah, woah there, language!"

"This isn't the time to talk about language," he continued to scold him, "Jimin, you must look after yourself in there, okay? Your body is mine; you cannot go anywhere without me following you right behind, alright? And that includes the afterlife - you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, idiot, I hear you."

"Promise me you won't make any stupid decisions because of your stupid heart."

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