s t e v e; babydoll

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plot - you're having a girls night with wanda and natasha, while the boys have a guys night

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plot - you're having a girls night with wanda and natasha, while the boys have a guys night. you're talking about the things you love about your boyfriends, little do you know they're standing right outside your door.

warnings - talk of smut, but also just full on smut.


"okay, seriously," natasha wipes the tears off of her face with a tissue from the box that wanda brought, just in case, "why did he have to do that! i know that he was in pain but-"

"okay, nat, it's a movie." i laugh. wanda throws a pretzel into her mouth and steals a tissue from the box situated in front of natasha, blowing her nose dramatically.

"oh, Y/N, but it's just so sad." wanda says melodramatically, making fun of natasha. natasha picks up one of the decorative cushions she's sitting on and chucks it at wanda.

"it's not funny!" she whines, managing to keep her composure for a second, "didn't you guys just watch that! he pretty much killed himself-"

natasha can't say anymore as she starts sobbing again. wanda and i look at eachother, holding in laughs, and then i pat natasha on the shoulder. wanda grabs the tv remote and puts gossip girl on netflix for background noise.

"how about we talk about boys? nat, you know you want to." i say. natasha gives me this huge, mischievous grin that tells us that she's got something to spill, and then she wipes her eyes and pretends like she was never crying.

"okay, okay, nat, spill." wanda says, picking up on nat's grin and the meaning behind it just as much as i did.

natasha shuffles around, getting comfortable, and then she looks as if she might burst if she doesn't tell us what's going on.

"okay, so, bruce and i," wanda is already squealing just from hearing that, "finally had sex last night."

i gasp by accident and then clamp a hand over my mouth. wanda and i jump up at the same time, dancing around the room stupidly and chanting, "you had sex", like twelve year olds in a school playground.

nat joins us, except she chants "we had sex", instead of "you had sex".

we jump around like idiots for another few minutes, until we're laughing so hard that we physically can't anymore and all three of us have to sit back down.

"do tell us about it." wanda says and natasha makes a face.

"absolutely not! i only tell you guys about my sexual escapades when it's a hookup or when it's not our first time together. the details are confidential to bruce and i, and bruce and i only." natasha wiggles her eyebrows.

"okay, so it was kinky as hell then." wanda says to me. natasha smacks the floor with her hands and whines.

"wanda, as if you and buck aren't kinky as fuck." i raise an eyebrow at her. wanda throws her head back and laughs.

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