Chapter 5

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So yes I did decide to go follow him, so what, he seemed nice...maybe this isn't a good idea but who cares. I walked out the door a little excited and a little scared of what he wanted me to see...I looked around trying to find him until my eyes landed on his beautiful ocean eyes. Is it too late to turn back now?

"I was scared you wouldn't come' I thought I creeped you out" I could see a glint of disappointment but it was soon masked with relief?

"I thought about it but I decided what's the worst you could do out in the open" I laughed nervously, wondering what his next comment would be. He didn't seemed phased by my comment like it didn't offend him.

"Yea I guess your right." He said. I looked at him quite confused at to what he meant by that but he didn't care.

"Ok but anyways what did you want me to come out here and see?" I questioned him, he looked at my with excitement gleaming in his amazing eyes and shrugged.

"Nothing really, had to come up with some kind of excuse to get you to come out." he said with a cunning smile. I gave him my best 'then what do you really want look'

We were engulfed in silence and I took the time to take in all the details about this guy but I was soon interrupted by the spark of another conversation.

"What's your name?" He questioned

"Clair" I answered

He held out his hand for me to shake I was unsure if I should or not. I took his hand and mine and I immediately felt sparks shoot throughout my body, I pulled my hand back quickly.

"You felt them to huh?" he smiled. I looked at him confused as to what he meant.

"What?"my brows furrowed.

"The sparks did you feel them to?" He took a step closer to me, I was too confused I wanted to walk back in and for a split second that seemed like the best option.

I shook my head fast and started walking to the door when I felt a hard grip on my arm and it jerked me back, I tempted to scream but before I could I had a cloth shoved in my face. All I could see before I fainted was the blurred figured if the guy I still didn't know the name of.


I woke up to a loud crash in the distance. My head shot up and I searched my surrounding area, I was in a room a huge room at that there were paintings and a plasma screen tv and a king and queen sized bed.

I look around in astonishment at where i was currently...HANDCUFFED TO! I started to freak out I screamed for help as loud as my voice could go I was at it for what felt like hours and still no luck. By the time I had given up I could barley speak my throat was throbbing.

I threw my head back in defeat re running the memory of me and the strange guy in my head, as I was going over this for what was like the eighteenth time I heard the sound of the door opening and I jerked my head up and looked at the door in udder fear.

In stepped the same guy that had I had talked to and was kidnapped by right out In front of a fucking resturaunt. He looked at me with a smirk over taking his lips, oh what I would give just to be able to smack that grin right off his face.

"My name is Richard" he said nodding . Why was he nodding? Did he hit his head or coming in here?

"I don't give a fuck let me go!!!" I screamed at him jerking my hands as hard as I could hoping that maybe I could loosen the handcuffs.

I heard a low growl come from Richards mouth and I paused for a second looking at him his eyes looked like they had gone pitch black and I swear I could see fangs.

"You will not scream at me like that again understood!" He yelled demandingly steeping closer to me.

I just say there unfazed by his sudden outbursts. He seemed confused as to why I didn't seemed scared. I started laughing at him while he stared at me dumb struck.

"Why aren't you scared of me?"he asked getting angrier.

I smiled motioning him to come closer and so he did.

"It's five words" he nodded waiting to hear what I had to say I continued "your a stupid fuck up" I said laughing again.

"WHAT?!" He yelled the rage in his eyes now made me shift a bit I was feeling a bit uneasy now.

"Your gonna regret this words princess" he said and with one last death glare he left.

I just sat there confused about this whole situation.


Here's another chapter sorry for not updating so long had a lot happening!!

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