Drowning in the Deep Blue

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A week later, Iris walked right into Professor Snape's office and dropped a hefty stack of books on his desk with a raucous BANG.

"I could use your help."

The dark-haired wizard looked up at her with a kind of dull surprise buried within his black eyes. He regarded the young girl carefully, his gaze shifting to the books that sat before him. It was an assortment of potion recipe books and how-tos along with one or two expert-level textbooks.

"What is all of this, Miss Potter?" Professor Snape droned.

Iris rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet as she explained, "I figured out what the second task is—"

Snape cut her off, "You are aware I am not permitted to assist you with these tasks, Potter?"

The brunette witch bit her lip, thinking quickly, "Okay then, for educational research purposes, I would like to make a potion that allows someone to breathe underwater for at least an hour," Iris suggested, "However, I don't think I'm quite at the level to pull it off. The only possible potions I've found are extremely advanced."

Staring at her for a moment longer, Snape then reached over and swiftly grabbed the top book on the stack. Briefly skimming through the pages, he muttered, "No," and set it aside in distaste. Iris watched quietly as he repeated the process with the rest of the books, disapproving of all but one.

"This one has potential, though a few alterations will need to be made." Iris listened carefully, hope rising inside of her, "Unfortunately, this potion also takes a considerable amount of time to brew... Although I believe it will be ready in time for your... research."

Iris felt giddy with relief; it would work, she would be able to complete the second task.

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Almost two months later, Iris felt prepared for their next challenge. The second task would take place in two days and her potion had finished brewing just the day before.

In those two months, Iris had spent a lot of her time with Cedric. The way she felt when she was with him gave her a rush and she didn't have to worry about things like homework or their impending doom. She could relax in his company. Spending more time with Cedric meant spending more time with his friends, and Iris was happy to. Issac and his Yule Ball date, Nathan, had gotten together after Christmas and so the four of them, along with Kasper and Maddie, decided to go on a triple date for Valentine's Day that year.

There was an underlying feeling of fear that began surfacing the closer the second task came though, and no amount of time spent soaking in romantic gestures from her boyfriend would help Iris at the end of the day. They had made a mutual agreement to not discuss the task at all or what they were doing for it, only reassuring one another that they did indeed have a plan so as not to drown in the Black Lake.

In The End ⁂ H. Potter TwinWhere stories live. Discover now