This Half Life

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From the moment her lungs took their first breath, Iris knew something was different.

Maybe the air was crisper. Perhaps the absence of the smell of debris that had encapsulated her senses what seemed like only moments earlier. Most troubling of all, she quickly realised, was not the scent or the feel, but the complete and utter lack of noise.

Her hazel eyes flung open and her body followed in their wake, shooting upward. Iris looked around in confusion, noting that she was still on the floor in the Ministry of Magic, but with a distinct lack of people anywhere to be found. Completely alone, Iris stood and carefully made her way through the grand lobby. It was so strange— everything looked exactly the same, only it was not yet destroyed by Voldemort.

Iris wound up making her way onto the streets of London, and what she found outside made a chill run down her spine. In every direction she turned, there was no one there. It was midday and sunny, and yet every street was deserted.

It didn't take Iris long to come to terms with the frightening fact that faced her: she was all alone.

In under a half-hour, the girl had walked from Whitehall to Charing Cross Road, trying to remain calm as she pushed open the rugged wooden door tucked away under a rusty sign reading 'The Leaky Cauldron.' As was outside, the usually bustling pub was also void of any life.

Cutting through the hidden entrance in the back, Iris found Diagon Alley the emptiest and saddest she had ever seen it. Without the hundreds of busy witches and wizards that normally were parading around, it was just a quiet brick alley. The brightly coloured shops seemed duller in the silence. Iris slid her back down a wall, coming to a sit on the cobbled road. She swiped her hair out of her face, trying to come to terms with her feelings at that moment.

Was she dead? Was she alive? If it was the latter she wasn't quite sure if she might prefer death in comparison to an eternity of this. Limbo seemed more accurate... not yet one thing or the other really. Iris figured this was her new reality until a solution was found to keep her from actually dying.

With the impact of the realisation that she likely would not be leaving anytime soon, Iris took advantage of being the only person in the world and helped herself to the shops of Diagon Alley.

She got herself new clothes and raided the restaurants for food. The brunette found herself soon walking through the shelves of Flourish and Blotts, grabbing books off the shelves in preparation for the most dangerous task ahead of her. She took every advanced magical textbook she could find and threw them onto a table tucked away in a corner, plopping down and flipping the first one open to the chapter labelled 'Apparition.'

With no one to stop her and no transportation to the places she wanted to go, Iris knew she would have to rely on her own use of magic for transportation.

It took her all day and night to successfully pull off her first apparition. She didn't dare go further than just down the alley, and it was a good thing too because on her first try Iris ended up accidentally splinching herself and chopping half of her hair off just above the shoulders.

In The End ⁂ H. Potter TwinWhere stories live. Discover now