Chapter 3

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"The fuck was that for?!” Ablaze spat out at masked proxy.

"What gives you the fucking right to say the shit you're saying about what you can do with your proxy, huh?! Do you think we're nothing but tools? Slaves to do your bidding? No! We’re not! We are still people! We still have emotions and our own thoughts and opinions! Plus, you don't really know what being a proxy is really like, especially if you never fucking asked for it like some other people I've seen on the fucking news and internet; which I don’t even fucking understand why people would want this! Being a proxy is literally the worst thing in the fucking world. I would rather be shot to death by a terrorist than be the proxy I am today!" Masky yelled at her, not seeming to be afraid of her gaze.

Ablaze's gaze softened, "Masky-" she cut herself off then got out the light sound of a “T” before she was cut off by a dark laughter.

"That's exactly what I've been trying to tell her! Thanks a lot man!" Her gaze reverted back to anger again as she glared past Masky and at Cole, who was currently laughing at her.

Masky glared back at Cole. "And what the fuck are you laughing at?"

Cole barely noticed the glare, "Her! Finally she seems to get a grasp on what she did to me! And it makes me so fucking happy!"

He laughed again. "Thank you!"

Toby, after twitching a few times, looked at Masky, his eyes wide under his goggles. "Masky don't be angry with him. You don't know what he's been through!"

His voice probably wasn't heard over Cole's laughter. He bit his lip under his mask, his eyes flashing over to Hoodie for help.

"And why exactly are you a proxy, Cole? How exactly did you get into the position you're in now?" Masky said his voice low as he turned towards the laughing boy.

Cole stopped laughing. "I accepted her help. She fucked me over. Do I really have to tell you? I'm pretty sure she's told all of you by now."

Ablaze growled, "I fucked you over?! I- mmphff!" Toby had slender-walked over and covered her mouth with his hand.

He shook his head, but gave her a look of apology.

"And why exactly did you want her help? What sort of issue were you having?" Masky asked, sounding as if his teeth were gritted.

"My family was a piece of shit okay?! She offered to get rid of the problem! I-I didn't know she'd kill more than just them!" Cole glared at the masked male as he remembered the other she killed.

His eyes started to well with tears that he fought back. He wished Toby hadn’t made him take off his mask. His black eyes really didn't hide tears all too well.

"So, you took some random stranger’s offer to basically kill your family just because they were shitty? Oh boo-fucking-hoo for you, you spineless crybaby," Masky teased, a sneer in his voice, clearly not impressed.

Cole growled, "Yes, she killed my family and that I thank her for but I figured she'd leave after that! I didn't know she'd stay and- don't you laugh at me, you harpy! This is your fault!"

Ablaze was shaking with silent laughter as Toby kept her mouth shut.

Toby frowned at her through his mask, and then realized why she was laughing. He let a small giggle out before noticing Hoodie's disappointed stare. With everything going on no one had noticed Hoodie walk over. Though he still kept a distance as he was unsure of how to calm his friend down.

"You got off easy, Cole. Do you want to know how I became a proxy? By having my life fucking ruined and forced to be here! That's how. I had a normal life until I decided to audition for a film project this guy I thought was my friend wanted to do. That is when everything went to shit! That is when all of the pieces fit together on why I had been feeling so strange for the majority of my life! It's when he finally decided to show his non-existent fucking face and destroy everything! My friends, my life, my sanity! And then instead of killing me, he decides to make me his fucking slave for the rest of fucking eternity until he finally grows tired of me; which honestly with Toby being the fucking golden child he is, I’m surprised he hasn't already.”

Until the Day I Die- A Ticci Toby x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now