Chapter 6

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Ablaze slammed Cole into a tree before punching him in the face with a flaming fist several times. Cole managed to throw her off, he conjured up some fire and threw it at her. As she was still recovering she was hit. It was a direct hit… but upon being hit her wounds started to heal. She sneered at him and giggled, “Thanks for the boost~”

Ablaze got to her feet and charged him but suddenly a static sound rang out and Toby was between her and Cole.

“S-Stop!” He twitched.

Ablaze only snarled and grabbed him by the arm and hurled him into a tree, “Stay out of my way!” 

She blinked when she realized what she had done, “Holy shit, Toby!” Before she could move to check on him she was lifted off the ground. She got a brief look at Cole, he was surrounded in the black aura and his wounds seemed healed; she was then thrown through several trees. Ben and Jeff rushed over to check on her.

Cole rushed over to Toby who was being looked over by Hoodie and Masky. A bone was clearly out of place in both his left arm and leg. Toby was insisting he was fine until Cole was there. He went completely silent. Both stared at each other for a moment, silently. When Hoodie suddenly started to push Toby's bones back into place Toby was snapped out of it by the pressure and the noise his arm made. Toby looking away snapped Cole out of it and he quickly teleported away.

Hoodie did the same to Toby's leg before Masky helped him pick up the boy. Though Toby insisted he could walk they ignored him.


Cole sat in a tree and sighed, “I'm so sorry, Angel… I promised… I promised and I broke it.”

He wiped away the tears that fell down his cheeks as he thought back to that day.


They had set up a picnic on the hilltop near her home. Cole suddenly stood from the blanket and walked to the tree that overshadowed them. Angelle looked up at him. Cole took his pocket knife out and carved something into the tree. It took a bit longer than he expected and his hands were tired after but he smiled once he had completed the task. He sat back down next to Angelle.

The girl looked over the tree, a crudely etched heart stood out with 'A + C' inside it. She giggled and hugged him. "Coco, promise me something?"



He had eventually gotten down from the tree and made his way back to the manor at a slow pace. The sun had risen by the time he arrived. He went upstairs, glad everyone else was in bed. He grimaced as he walked past Ablaze and Ben's room. Ben and Jeff were probably 'taking great care of her' since he had probably done more damage to her than anyone had done in a long time. Any thought of Ablaze made him feel sick but that was one that made him want to visit Korbyn. 

He got to the stairs that lead to the proxy level of the manor. His steps became even slower as he walked down the hall.  As he slowly opened the door to his and Toby's room he noticed Masky and Hoodie's door was broken in. He shrugged and closed the door behind him. Toby was quietly asleep in his bed. Cole went to the bathroom that was connected to the room to shower the dirt and blood off him from the fight. His shower was long and hot just how he preferred them, though to be honest he simply stood in the spray for most of it.

Once he had finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped into the darker, colder room. He shivered slightly but made his way to his dresser and found something to sleep in for the night. A black tee shirt and a pair of black boxers. Instead of going to his bed he sat at the edge of Toby's for a few minutes. He stroked the boy's hair, watching him curl up a bit in his sleep. Cole leaned over and kissed his forehead. Toby made a small noise before opening his eyes.

Cole froze as he looked up at him. His blue eyes staring at him tiredly, "Cole?... What time is it?"

"It's late. Go back to sleep."

"Why'd you wake me up then?" Toby frowned.

"I was just making sure you were okay… Ablaze did hit you pretty hard earlier…"

"Hoodie patched me up… only a broken leg and arm from what he could tell…" he said as he sat up, his dark blanket falling to reveal a sling on his arm.


"It'll be properly healed by morning… besides I can't even feel it," he joked.

Cole frowned, "Really?"

"Jokes aside I'm fine, really."

Cole sighed and went to get up but Toby grabbed his arm with his free one, "Where are you going?" 

"To bed."

Toby frowned, "We're not done talking yet."

Cole sighed, "What else is there to talk about?"

"You snapped when Ablaze threw me."

"So?" Cole frowned.

"...and you were beyond concerned when you came to check on me."

"I… I was not," he lied.

"Cole, why can't you be honest with me or yourself?"

Cole grew silent again but sat next to him again. Toby looked at him waiting for an answer, he didn't want to argue anymore, he just wanted to know what was wrong. He wanted Cole to stop lying. He'd felt the kiss when he woke up after all.

"Please, Cole," Toby begged, softly.

Cole looked at him and sighed, "The promise I made to Angel…"

Toby looked at him expectantly.. The same way she had when she'd made him promise.

"Until the day I died…" Cole said quietly.

"What?" Toby asked.

"...I promised to love her until the day I died… I promised and I broke it."

Toby looked at him silently.

"In the time I've been here I've fallen in love with you and betrayed her…" Tears began to well up in his eyes.

Toby moved his free hand to wipe his tears away, he flinched back. Toby gave him a calming shoosh, cradling his cheek, "Cole… It's okay."

"No it's not… I betrayed her…"

"No you didn't," Toby said, calmly.

"How can you say that after what I just said?" Tears fell down his face.

"Cole… You've been dead for the last two years," Toby said.

Cole's eyes widened as he remembered the trigger he pulled… his last words before his former life ended.

"You see?" Toby smiled, stroking his cheek, "You didn't betray her. You kept your promise."

As the younger proxy's words finished, his eyes widened as Cole suddenly pulled him firmly against him, kissing him deeply.

Until the Day I Die- A Ticci Toby x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now