Chapter 5

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“What the fuck is your problem?” Ablaze growled.

Cole leaned against the tree, his teeth gritted.

“I know you hate me but I thought you liked Toby!” the demoness paced, sparks flicking from her fingers.

“Why do you care anyway? You ruined my life,” Cole bit out.

“Stop saying that. I helped you!” she stopped, “What do I have to do to make you stop saying that?!”

“Nothing! You took my angel from me! The only reason I had to live!” The black aura flickered around him as it had before.


The door creaked open; a grey woman stood, blocking the path. She turned and gave a gnarled grin to the boy, “Payment complete.”

Then she was gone, a black puff of smoke in her place.

In front of her was a laptop, the red smeared screen flickered. The smell finally hit him and he gagged. He didn’t think he could ever look at pennies the same way again.

He stepped further into the room, stomach turning further with each step. Why was he walking further? He knew what he would find. 

He stopped just in front of the bed, his foot hitting something. He slowly kneeled down, feeling the floor. 




Object. He picked it up. 

He didn’t have to see it to know what it was.

The light suddenly clicked on. He froze.

“Cole, what did you do?!” Mrs. Wint screamed.

“I-I didn’t-” he dropped the knife.

“Honey! Dylan!” Mrs. Wint continued screaming, “Call the police!”

Cole heard footsteps, he grabbed the laptop off the bed and bolted toward the window. There was a crash. His skin stung and he was hurling for the ground, black and grey appeared beside him, he felt the tightening of the fabric on his back, and he was gone.


“You can’t do anything to erase what you’ve done,” Cole snarled.

Ablaze blinked, “I understand, Cole.”

“You don’t understand! You can never understand what it's like to lose your most cherished!”

Ablaze thought for a moment. This wasn’t her story; it was Cole’s, but she did understand. Now just wasn’t the time to speak of herself, “Fine… If that's what you want to believe.”

“Great, can I go now? I want to try to salvage whatever friendship I can with Toby,” Cole said as he moved away from the tree.


“What more do you want to take from me?!” Cole interrupted. 

“I want you to calm down…” Her mouth twisted from one side to the other, “You’re more volatile than me with a can of gasoline.”

“Right and how the fuck do you exp-”

“Hit me,” Ablaze took her turn to interrupt.

“What?” Cole stared at her, eyebrows lifted. 

“If you hate me so much, hit me. Take your anger out-”

It was as if a switch went off and her head snapped to the side, she was sent reeling back before hitting the ground. Before she could get up she was pinned, a fist being repeatedly slammed into her face.

By the fifth or so swing, his arm was grabbed. He froze as he felt her fingertips burning him through dark fabric. Her hair fell out of her face as she stared up at him, gnarled grin in place, blood leaking from just below her wide eyes. Her voice became distorted, “Who said I wasn’t planning on fighting back?”


“Come on, Toby!” Hoodie pleaded pulling at the doorknob… at this rate he was going to have to break the door down but he really didn’t want to deal with his boss’s anger.

“Open the door, Kid! Talk to us!” Masky added as he stood next to the door frame.

“Go away!” Toby shouted.


Cole jumped to his feet and charged at Ablaze. She teleported, reappearing behind him. After grabbing his shirt collar she threw him right into a tree.


“What happened, Toby?” Hoodie had stopped banging on the door by this point. Masky had pretty much given up by this point, deeming Toby a lost cause. It wasn’t the first time either.

“I said go away.”

“You’re in our room, Toby… we would like it back at some point,” Hoodie said.

“Go fuck in the forest then. I’m not coming out.”

That got Masky’s attention back and he exchanged a genuine look of concern with Hoodie. If the words were directed at him then Masky wouldn’t have batted an eye at it but he’d said it to Hoodie. Hoodie was the one Toby had formed the brotherly bond with after they pulled him from the fire and the Slenderman had revived him. Hoodie was the one Toby had actually looked up to and even asked for advice from. It was obvious now to Masky why. They had both been revived by the Slenderman and shared an actual bond from it. So to hear Toby be so blatantly disrespectful to Hoodie of all people was something that really made him worry about the boy. And what was worse was that the disrespect continued with each of Hoodie’s attempts to get him out. Soon the disrespect turned to blatant insults.


Several burning trees stood in the wake of their fight as they kept going. Punch after punch when Cole got close enough. A fireball. Ablaze was starting to unhinge as the violence continued and her fire was only being fueled more. 


Hoodie had eventually backed away from the door, not being able to take the verbal assault from Toby anymore. There was the faintest sound of a sob that escaped from under his mask.

Masky scowled under his mask, “Brian, move… I don’t care what the Slenderman will do after this,” Hoodie stepped back and Masky moved in front of the door, “Kid, if you are near the door, move. This is your only warning,” Masky then kicked the door open with a very forced kick. The lock of the door snapped and the door swung open.

Before Toby or Hoodie could make any response Masky walked in and grabbed Toby by his arm then yanked him into the hallway with enough force that would dislocate a human’s shoulder. Even if it had none of them would have known because of Toby’s CIPA.

“Whatever the fuck happened between you and Cole does not give you any reason to treat Brian how you have been. Go fucking talk to Cole before I figure out a way-”

Just then Ben and Jeff pushed passed them, heading for the stairs. Ben was kind enough to yell back, “Ablaze’s fire is everywhere outside! She’s with Cole!”

Toby shoved Masky off of him and bolted after them. Masky and Hoodie were right behind him.

Until the Day I Die- A Ticci Toby x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now