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This is the story line of the first psych episode!!

I do not own the storyline or characters of the franchise. The only person I own is my character - Alina!! :)

It was another late and quiet night at SBPD.

Everything at the moment was normal.

I was sat at my desk, peering out my window as I heard Lucy and Carlton whispering sweet nothings to each other, trying to act non-suspicious.

It was obvious that something had been going on between the two since Lucy's 3rd day here. I just chose to not question it, because for once Carlton has seemed to not be his grumpy self.

I continued to click my pen, trying to drown out the quietness that was making my ears ring. Unexpectedly, a call rang through my desk's phone, making me gladly pick it up.

"SBPD, how may I help you?" I answered, hearing a slight moan in the background.

"It's the store manager. He did it." A man bluntly spoke.

"Excuse me?" I ask, thinking about what he could be talking about.

"Uh, the stereo robberies, it's the store manager" he responded.

"How do you know this?"

"It's on channel 8 news, right now." He perks up, "Messing with his hands, nervous tick, dead giveaway. And he won't look at the reporter in the eyes."

"What is your name?" I asked, stopping him from describing anything else.

"My name? My name is Shawn Spencer."

"Okay, thank you" I respond, writing everything down that he has told me. "And Mr. Spencer?" I speak up before he could hang up.

"Yes?" He asked confused.

"This conversation took less than a minute, I'm sure you could've waited that long before continuing your.... sexual, y'know" I sighed out, hearing the girl chuckling lightly.

"Right." He lightly laughed himself before hanging up.

I ripped the note off of my pad and walked over to Lassiter's desk.

"Hello." I lightly smiled, Lucy returned one and Carlton rolled his eyes, annoyed that I was interrupting. "I just got a tip called in" I spoke, handing him the note.

"By who?" He asked, quickly taking it out of my hand.

"Shawn Spencer" I answered, "The stereo robberies"

"He figured it out by watching the news" He asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

I simply shrugged and walked back to my desk. "I'm sure he will be in tomorrow. He always comes in kinda early for the money" I say while collecting my things off my desk.

"How has he solved this many cases by watching the news" I heard him mumble, typing away on his computer.

"Goodnight Lassiter, Ms. Barry" I called out, sending a small wave towards the two.

I made my way outside the building to see the streets basically empty. It was around 11 at night and only a few people would be caught out this late. I walked down the few steps and pulled out my keys, practically skipping towards my car. Despite it being dark, clouds could still be seen scattered throughout the sky. It was said that a storm would be hitting tonight and if the weather app was right, I only at 18 minutes to beat the rain.

I pulled out of the building and made my way to a nicer apartment area that was only a few blocks away from the station. The wind had picked up significantly as I exited my car and entered my building. I ran up to the second story and started heading to my room when I heard Gus, my neighbor,  arguing with someone over the phone.

In one hand he held a small pizza, a briefcase, and his keys, while in the other, he held his phone up to his ear.

"Shawn!" He hissed out, "I'm not doing this with you today!"

As he was talking, I noticed his pizza slowly slipping out of his hand. I quickly rushed over and caught it, holding it up for him.

"Shawn, I'll call you back" Gus spoke, having a smirk play on his face. "Hey" He said in a completely different voice. He brought his thumb up to his nose and swiped over it.

"Hey Gus" I smiled at him, studying his actions.

Was he trying to flirt?

His eyes widened for only a moment and looked at me confused. "You know my name?" He asked, almost dropping his briefcase.

"Well, we've been neighbors for half a year now." I laughed, "You offered to show me around Santa Barbra when I was carrying boxes into my apartment." I began to explain. "You even started helping me carry stuff up, before you pulled your back out when you carried the pillow box" I cringed, remembering his high pitched yelp.

"You can stop there, I remember" He spoke, slightly embarrassed. "Did I ever get your name?"

"Alina" I spoke, holding my hand out to his now free hand, "Alina Lynne."

"You wouldn't happen to be the new Detective they hired down at the Department, would you?" He asked, shaking my hand. "I thought I saw something on the news about a Detective Lynne."

"That could be me" I shrug thinking back to it. "My mom was a Detective here for awhile, definitely made a name for herself."

"Right" He nodded, "What ever happened to me showing you around Santa Barbara?"

"The day it was supposed to happen, I heard your friend take you away from your apartment." I giggled lightly to myself, "I ended up exploring myself, but I still enjoyed it."

"Damnit Shawn" I heard the man mumble to himself, fiddling with the keys in his hand.

"I think your pizza may get cold if you wait out here any longer" I said, holding up the small box.

He looked up at the box and then back towards me. "Right" He said while unlocking the door, "Thank you for catching the pizza. If it wasn't so tiny I would offer you to come inside and share it."

"Don't worry about it" I said, handing him the box, "I've got a frozen pizza in the freezer calling my name" I wink, taking a few steps back before reaching my door.

"Goodnight Alina" Gus calls out, heading into his apartment.



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