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"You really tried to frame the boyfriend, huh?" I asked, walking out with Shawn and Gus by my sides.

"It was on accident" He shrugged, brushing his fingers against mine.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, walking through the front doors. Mr. McCallum passed me on the way out, and Shawn stopped him.

"Mr. McCallum" He spoke up, making Gus and I both stop. "I'm Shawn Spencer, the psychic."

"Well thank you for coming" Mr. McCallum spoke, strangely calm for the circumstances. "If there's anything I can do, just ask."

"I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you" I say, joining Shawn's side. "I am Detective Lynne, by the way" I said, shaking his hand.

He nodded and looked towards the ground, "Call mw anytime, with any questions."

"Actually, I do have one." Shawn announced, causing the man to turn back towards him. "How did he feel about the dog?"

"Well he loved that thing" He answered.

"That'll do it" Shawn nodded, "Thank you, sir."

They all went inside, leaving the three of us outside.

"Does he like his dog?" Gus yelled towards Shawn, "That's how you investigate?"

"I think we are making progress" Shawn defended himself, walking towards Gus's car.

"Since you've been here you've dug through the trash, hit on the sister, and falsely accused her boyfriend." Gus continued to lecture.

"Gus I was not hitting on her!" Shawn responded, "I have my eye on someone else."

"What? Is there another sister that we missed?" Gus sarcastically responded, making me giggle. "Shawn, I quit."

"You can't quit, we just got started" Shawn joked, following him.

"Watch me" He said, getting in his car and driving away.

"Do you quit too?" Shawn asked, looking at me.

"This is my job, I can't just quit" I responded, watching Gus.

"Gus get back here!" Shawn called out, while I waved towards the blue car.

Shawn looked towards me and held his fingers up to his head.

"Yes?" I ask, eyeing him.

"I am getting something... a vision" He said.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"You.. you are upset with me" He announced, removing is fingers from his temple, "Why?"

I do a fake gasp and slap my hand over my chest, "Maybe you are psychic."

He rolled his eyes at my behavior before grabbing both of my hands.

"Don't be jealou-"

"I'm not jealous, we just met today." I responded.

"I'm just so charming that you fell for me instantly," he playfully smiled at me.

"I hate you" I groaned, pulling out of his grasp.

"No, you definitely don't." He spoke, squeezing onto one of my hands, "This one stays" He said, locking are fingers together.


"How'd you get in here?" I groaned out, still trying to wake up.

"Oh, did I disturb your sleep?" He asked, eyeing my bed head.

"It's 7 in the morning, Shawn." I said, walking up to him, "How did you get in here?"

"Backup key under your mat" He said, holding it up, "You should definitely find another place to put it." He tossed the key on my table.

I shrug and pick the key off the table. I walk back to my front door and place the key back outside, under the mat. I take a step back and shut the door. When I turn, I feel my breath hitch in my throat as my body collides with Shawn's.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" I asked, feeling his nose brushed against mine.

"Well, this was purely on accident." He said eyeing my lips. "But I don't necessarily regret this."

I watch as his eyes slowly close and he begins to close the gap that was between us.

"I have major bed breath" I interrupted, stepping away from him. "I'll go get ready"

I shoot my eyes towards the ground as I run to my room, still managing to see the disappointment on Shawn's face. As soon as I enter the room I hold my hands to my face and control my breathing.

"Bed breath, really?" I groaned, looking at myself in a mirror, "Jeez Alina, you look like a mess." I said into the mirror.

I go through my clothes and put on a pair or black skinny jeans, a plain white T, and matching shoes. I brush my teeth and braid my hair back, trying my best to hide the messiness. I take one final look at myself in the mirror and walk back out into the main room to see Shawn sitting on my couch.

"I'm done" I whispered, still feeling awkward.

Shawn shoots up and looks at me. His cheeks were still painted a little rosey, probably for the same reason.

"We are going to Gus's, I need to tell you both something." He said, hesitating to grab my hand.

I roll my eyes and grab his hand, locking our fingers. I gently drag him towards Gus's and put my fist up, getting ready to knock.

"No need to do that" He said, picking up a decorative rock. He slides the bottom and reveals a key underneath. He unlocks the door and places the key back into the rock. He then opens the door and looks towards me. "Ladies first"

I lightly smile and enter Gus's apartment. Shawn grabs my arm and leads me towards the kitchen and points the table.

"Where did you get these pictures?" I asked, picking a few up.

"When you were talking to the sister, I took these from her room."

I gave him a look and continued to look through the photos, hearing light footsteps in the distance. Both Shawn and I look up, waiting to see Gus.

Gus runs in with a big silver case in his hands and runs towards Shawn. I slap a hand in my mouth, trying to hold back laughter as Shawn just stares at him.

"Gus.." He spoke disappointedly, "I hate to imagine what the rest of your plan was."

"And why did you scream" I said in between laughs, "You're going to alert your attackers." I pointed out.

Gus sighed and set down the case, joining me at his table.

"How did you two get in here?"

"I was going to knock but" I said pointing to Shawn who held up the fake rock and showed the key underneath.

Gus looked down and at the photos on his table.

"Where did you get these?" He asked while he inspected them.

"Katarina's room" Shawn said, sitting next to me.

"You were in her room" Gus deadpanned.

"You left, we didn't have a ride" Shawn shrugged.

"You are dating Katarina" Gus bluntly stated.

I tensed at the words, Shawn noticing immediately. He laid his hand on my thigh and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"No, Alina was there too." He replied.

"You went into her room?"

"Well... no, Shawn did that by himself but I was with her" I shrugged, placing my hand on top of Shawns. "Anyways, what did you want to tell us?" I asked, looking at him.

"Oh, just that I solved the case."


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