Chapter 16

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It was Sunday. This is what my Sundays consists of. 



3)Watching Tv or Youtube

4)Reading Wattpad

And if I'm feeling guilty about not getting any exercise, 5)Getting some exercise.  

I looked over at my clock, the time being 1pm already. I'm hungry. 

I got up, put on a pair of shorts, because it was sunny outside, and pulled on an oversized jumper, in case it was actually cold outside anyway. I gathered my hair into a messy bun and washed my face. 

I trudged down to the kitchen, made a few pancakes for myself and gobbles them up. TAsty. I drank a glass of orange juice after. 

My friends have tried to get me to drink tea or coffee, but I can't drink them. Tea is not my thing at all and coffee, if I had to drink coffee or something bad would happen, I'd drink it. Sorry friends if I am a disappointment. But I really don't give a fuck anyway.

I decided to go for a morning jog, because after it, I will spend all day in my bed, or on the sofa, being a slug. 

When I exited my house, the cool breeze hit my legs. Goosebumps travelled all the way up my exposed legs. 

"Damn sun is useless. Why the fuck is it sunny but cold. I'm going to freeze to death," I muttered to myself. 

I started jogging, playing some of my favourite music with my phone.  

I stopped to catch my breath at the lake near my house. The water was calm, smooth and clear. The trees around it swayed slightly from the cooling breeze. 

I was taking in the beauty of nature, watching as small birds tried chasing larger birds away from their nests, watching as fish swam in the water close to me. I sighed happily.  Nature made me happy. 

The breeze cooled me my sweaty body down. I sat on the grass and looked up at the clear blue sky. Beautiful.  

After a while, I decided to head home. But before I left, something caught my eye. 

A person standing at the opposite side of the lake. I couldn't see them clearly, but I could see the outline of their body. 



I swear to fuck if they keep watching me, or follow me back home, I'll beat their asses. Or call the cops. 

I quickly jogged home, continuously thinking about that freaky person. 

Maybe I was being paranoid, but I swear I just heard a stick snap. I decided to jog much faster, seeing my house down the road. I trusted my instincts, which were screaming at me to run and don't look back. 

I reached my house, and locked my door, made sure all my windows were locked and, without knowing I ever had strength to do this, quickly barricaded my sofa against the door.

 Ain't no fucker going to come into my house and kill me.

I went to the kitchen and took out a knife and a rolling pin. 

I sat on the ground for an hour. I ended up falling asleep. 

Banging noises on the door woke me up. I started shaking in fear, and raised the weapons in my hands. 

"FUCK OFF. I WILL HURT YOU!" I yelled at the door. 

A chuckle came from outside. I shivered, goosebumps travelling all over my body now. 

A female voice spoke. 

"You smell like her. But with a stronger scent. I killed the wrong one."

"What drugs are you fucking on?! I smell like sweat! AND WHO DID YOU KILL!? IF YOU FUCKING COME IN HERE, I'LL KILL YOU AND EAT ICE CREAM OVER YOUR DEAD BODY!!" I screamed. I was terrified and fuming with anger at the same time. 

Her laugh grew louder, more crazy. "You've no training, you're helpless! I could kill you in a second chosen one."

"Try me bitch." 

The door was flung open, the sofa flung away. What the fuck. 

I looked at the ... Creature standing at my door. She had dragon wings and a tail, her eyes green. What the actual fuck. Am I on drugs? Am I seeing things? 

I started laughing.  

She stopped and raised an eyebrow.  

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?!" she fumed. 

"Y-you! Am I seeing things?! What the fuck are you meant to be?" I clutched my stomach, wheezing.  

Her eyes looked at me as if I was crazy. 

"E-excuse me? I'm a nightfury hybrid who's about to kill your sorry ass, chosen one." She snarled, coming closer to me. 

I froze. "Chosen one? Ha, I'm not a chosen anything except for a couch potato. What's the chosen one?"

She curled her claws around a blade that hung by her side.

 Fuck. I was going to die. 

"The chosen one, if they are well trained and can handle their powers, is the only person who can stop me. But since you don't even know what you are, it's easier for me. 

Now say Goodbye." she smirked. 

She kicked me, knocking me to the ground, my weapons rolling away from me. 

"Traitors" I muttered at them.  

She kicked me again, this time, my head banged against the floor harshly, making me fall unconscious nearly instantly. 

The last thing I saw was a tiger and a polar bear knocking the bitch over. 



Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

Xxx Livi

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