Chapter 9

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'...Let the feast begin!' I wasn't really paying attention to the rest of the speech that the old man gave, but those words seriously got my attention which is extremely hard i might add. I looked around at the plates filling with food. This was even cooler than the ones at camp! And they gave you anything that you wanted! My head jerked up and saw my friends staring at me, I knew I was gorgeous, but for some reason I think they were staring at me for a reason other than getting my autograph. Fire Piper mouthed.


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She rolled her eyes in exasperation, Well it's not my fault that she's really bad at mouthing words! Then made a gesture like sliding a plate under the table. I nodded, understanding, and grabbed a small piece of wood that I always kept with me for offerings, and set it alight on the plate, sliding it under. Jason was the first to follow, throwing his roast potato into the flame. I saw many curious looks, or glares if you counted the weirdos sitting next to us, come our way as we whispered our offerings. 

"How can you waste food like that!?" Ginger practically shouted IN MY EAR I MIGHT SUBTLY ADD. "Dude. Do you seriously think we'd waste food this good? And don't scream in my ear." I exclaimed, but was ignored as the kid with the scar VERY RUDELY talked over me. 'If your just going to burn food so easily then you don't deserve it...DEATH EATERS.' He said that last part really loudly, attracting gasps and shocked, angry looks at us while we just blinked at him blankly. 'What's a death eater? They sound disgusting' I blurted out, 'and how did you get that scar? It's kinda cool, like a lightning bolt.' There was a awkward pause after i said that. Did i do something wrong?

'H-how do you not know who he is? He is a hero! He defeated the dark lord! He is our savior! He is the boy who lived!' He finished quite dramatically, expecting us to faint in awe. We, on the other hand, remained unimpressed. Until Percy decided to perform some Victorian melodrama anyway. 'Oh gods!' He cried, striking a dramatic pose like a damsel in distress, sarcasm dripping from every word. 'He alive! Impossible! Never would've thought! Totally not something that we do everyday of our life!' We roared with laughter, well, most of us anyway. Reyna just smirked, Nico laughed in a evilish way, hazel and frank tried and failed to hide their laughs behind their hands. While the trio's faces turned various shades of red. 

'Yeah bro, bring out the Persassy!' Jason howled, leaning on his chair for support. 'Dude...that's almost better...than my...supersized Mcshizzle!' I gasped out, barely able to breath, let alone speak full sentences. The girl...Hermione? Looked like a fish out of it's bowl with her mouth constantly opening and closing, trying to say a witty remark then realising that she didn't have one. 'Stop opening your mouth' I told her, 'you look stupid doing that.' 

Maybe that was the wrong thing to say because she suddenly looked like she wanted to slap me. Fortunately she managed to restrain herself and instead slapped the nearest thing to her. Which happened to be the red heads face.

Now I know that I'm not supposed to laugh, so in my defence, I tried extreeemely hard no to. But the look on their face made me want to crack up like the floor when Hades was angry. I literally tried so hard to keep my laughs in that I threw a silent fit, almost falling off my chair with the effort. I am just so surprised right now that I'm not on fire. I actually wasn't sure, but who cares.

They eventually turned away from us, Hermione and Ron arguing with each other. Leaving us to eat our dinner in our delightful, contented, chaos.

Hazel POV

Why are they so mean? We haven't even done anything wrong! And what's the big deal about him? I mean, I'm alive, even though I've died before, but that doesn't matter, and so is everyone around me. Other than the ghosts of course. And we don't go bragging about it. 


That means-

'Nico, you've got about 15 ghosts behind you.' My brother visibly strained to keep his annoyance from escaping and demolishing the hall. 'My lord!' Each of them cried, begging to stay, their voices layering over each other's, creating quite a beautiful harmony in my opinion, usually only enjoyed by the children of the dead.

I've been exceptionally lucky so far with the souls mainly because Nico controls the dead and is the ghost king, and therefore had been attracting most of the attention. Not many would bow to me though anyway, not that I wanted them to, but some of the thoughtful ones also pleaded to me in an effort to stay.

He turned around, giving them his best death glare, making them all shut up. I knew that he could command them through his mind, but this was the first time I've seen this in action. All the ghosts paled, if that was possible, and instantly glided away. Nico turned back to us in a huff, ignoring the curious and frightened stares from all over the hall, clearly annoyed, just to see us staring at him expectantly. 'What?' He asked in a tone that said, don't annoy me further or else.

'So what did you tell them?'


If Malfoy was a demigod, who do you think his godly parent would be?

What about Harry?

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