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taehyung averted his eyes away from jimin and the freshman who were obsessively making out.

they were drunk, and no doubt high, as they crashed into the couch taehyung was occupying.

taehyung awkwardly cradled his drink, doing his best to avoid being sat on.

he was already pretty drunk, drowning out his sorrows with another cup. this is how it always ended, taehyung drinking away his emotions.

he drank away his mother and her weakening intellect.

he drank away the arousal at the pit of his stomach every time he caught sight of a guy's naked torso.

he drank away his shame.

he drank away the truth.

taehyung knew one day he'd drink one cup too many. knew that one day, his armor would crack and all the pent up lies would burst free, flaying out his vulnerability.

he wasn't ready for that day. the thought alone made him force down the remaining drink, coughing at the bitter taste.

taehyung looked to the side and found jimin and the freshman gone, most likely to find a vacant room to have drunken, senseless sex.

alone again, taehyung thought.

he rose from the couch, swaying as he stood and wandered to the exit. the surrounding heat was harsh against his skin, and he needed some fresh air.

as he made his way to the exit, taehyung felt the heavy stares of girls, more than likely drunk, eye fucking him, probably in hopes to rope him into meaningless sex.

any other guy would jump at the opportunity.

but taehyung wasn't like other guys.

once outside, the cool air against his face was welcomed. it was peaceful. the world outside drowned out the commotion of the party making everything serene.

he raised his head up to gaze at the stars, wishing now more than ever that he could be one of them.

he could probably blame it on the alcohol, or maybe the weather, but taehyung found his eyes prickling with tears.

taehyung harshly wiped them away, set on keeping his suffering a secret.

probably just the alcohol, he convinced himself.

but the tears only worsened, forcing a dry sob past his lips.

taehyung's hands shot up to cover his face in shame, feeling pathetic for crying.

he headed deeper into the backyard, finding a tent hovering over a single bench, secluded in a hidden corner of the yard.

he sat himself down, careful not to disrupt his alcohol-filled stomach.

but the uncontrollable sobs didn't help. it forced his stomach to churn with each painful cry.

all he could do was wait it out.

eventually, seconds turn to minutes, and during that time, his cries subsided into pitiful sniffles.

everything seemed to calm down.

that is, until he heard footsteps behind him.

taehyung turned to the steps, slightly jumping at the muscular silhouette of a man.

the man stepped closer, the moon shining light on his figure, and taehyung softly gasped.

the man was beautiful.

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