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taehyung sat in the back of his least favorite class.


he fought against his eyelids to stay open, fatigue still haunting him. he used his hoodie as best he could to hide his face and the dark circles under his eyes.

in truth, taehyung hadn't been able to sleep well in almost a week.

not since after the pregame. not since he was both attacked and rescued in the same night.

not since the vampire had busted into his apartment and left what taehyung liked to consider a love letter.

but he wasn't losing sleep because of distress or tiredness. no.

he was losing sleep because each and every night, taehyung would sit by his open window and look out into the night.

waiting — hoping.

he didn't know why he did this — although deep down he did and didn't want to admit it.

taehyung had every reason to be terrified.

terrified that the vampire — the violent, mysterious, and monstrous vampire — had broken into his home and left a drawing.

and also at the fact that he knew where he lived.

his paranoia should've shot through the roof knowing that the man could easily come in the middle of the night and gut him.

but it hadn't.

taehyung never felt safer.

in reality, taehyung was waiting for the vampire to come back.


when taehyung got home, hoseok and tori, one of his other roommates were arguing over yet another broken glass in the kitchen.

he swiftly avoided them as he made his way to his room and locked himself in.

taehyung had been avoiding his friend long before he'd been bitten.

in fact, taehyung has always had something to hide.

he pushed away anyone who got too close.

he pushed away hoseok and his intrusive nature.

he pushed away his parents — his devout mother and his father's invitations.

he even pushed away jimin, his best friend.

taehyung never allowed anyone to get too close, not wanting anyone to see through the cracks and see who he really was.

so he was confused when he realized he didn't want to push jungkook away.

he wanted the vampire closer.

jungkook — the dark angel — a creature of the night whose eyes lit a match in taehyung's monotonous existence.

jungkook, who had kissed him, shedding light on the truth with taehyung's lips.

jungkook, who made taehyung feel normal, accepted and appreciated for who he was.

so taehyung patiently waited for the last ray of sun to fade away and be replaced by the moon, opening the window.

the cool air invaded his bedroom as he peered into the void of night. the trees danced with the wind as the moon hovered above.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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