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the reaction was immediate.

taehyung's body jerked at the feeling running through him.

his mind was too dazed to register what was happening.

the sensation was borderline painful, but he couldn't ignore the pleasure. there was an orgasmic tingly seeping into his veins.

the stranger's teeth sank deeper into the blonde's neck.

taehyung didn't bother trying to pull away, too overwhelmed by the intense feeling.

he laid submissive in the man's arms as finger's tangled deeper into his hair, drawing him closer, claiming him.

taehyung let out a low moan, which only motivated the stranger.

the man roughly lifted taehyung up, forcing the compliant boy onto his firm thighs, teeth never retracting from his neck as he hungrily sucked his blood.

the man sucked harshly at the blood of his beautiful prey straddling him, releasing a monstrous growl at the savor.

taehyung was trapped in his weird daze.

physically, he couldn't move his body, only his hands that clung to the man's shoulders.

involuntarily, taehyung grounded his hips into the man, earning another growl and a harsher suck. he had no idea where this submissive nature came from, most likely from the savage seduction.

the lips on his throat, the hand in his hair, the soft graze of hair against his jaw.

it all aided taehyung's fervent intoxication of lust as the man seemed to sink deeper into his skin.

but soon, reality came crashing down.


taehyung opened his eyes lazily, blinking the haze away.

pathetically, taehyung began to thrash against the muscled man. the grip on his hair and neck were firm, only making taehyung struggle more.

he didn't want to die, at least not like this.

he could feel every drop of blood being drained from his body like a portable water fountain refilling a styrofoam cup.

no matter how beautiful the man was, he was clearly deranged.

he didn't want to die in his arms knowing that he never got to truly live, at least not in his truth.

there was so much deceit trapped within taehyung, and it's not something he wanted to take to his grave.

but at this rate, that's where he was headed.

the painful sobs raked involuntarily from taehyung's body. his body shook, the pleasure from before now replaced by an excruciating ache.

he tried his best to quiet his pain, not wanting the man to hear, but it was pointless. his body couldn't take it. the tears flowed like an endless waterfall.

"p-please," taehyung pleaded with shaky breaths, choking on his tears. "i...i-i don't wanna die...please."

something clicked.

as if a light bulb went off, or rather shattered to the floor.

the stranger abruptly pulled back, teeth retracting.

blood seeped down the blonde's throat as the stranger softened his grip on the boy.

the bloodsucker simply stared at taehyung, noticing how fragile the boy looked on his lap, body quivering, hands curled to his chest. cheeks stained with fresh tears, his mouth producing fearful gasps, and his neck reddened with fresh liquid.

realizing the man had stopped, taehyung shakily looked up, eyes immediately connecting with the blood smeared across the mouth that had so easily smiled at him.

his eyes then traveled up, and taehyung's heart stuttered at the sight of the burning bright red orbs staring back at him.

taehyung could see the torment circling in the inferno gaze.

taehyung stared back, speechless. the once intense gaze was now gentle.

the blonde hated how beautiful the man still looked, even with his blood coating his face.

slowly, taehyung's tears began to dry up as an unspoken feeling manifested between them.

everything around them turned still — silent. all they could see were each other.

a kindling warmth spread through taehyung, it was unexplainable.

but he didn't get the chance to confront it when suddenly, he was quickly shoved back onto the bench.

by the time taehyung recovered, the mystery man was already gone, as if he vanished into thin air.

taehyung sat frozen on the bench, bloodied, bruised, and confused as he stared into the soundless night.

did that actually happen? taehyung asked himself. no way that just happened.

but the piercing throb in his throat confirmed his fear.

taehyung felt heavy as he shakily stood from the bench. both his body and his mind were exhausted.

who was that guy? what was that guy?

no way that was a vampire...

but he clearly just sucked the life out of him, and there's no way he could forget those red eyes.

taehyung so desperately wanted to blame the ordeal on the alcohol — maybe someone had spiked his drink — but he was sure he was positively sober.

he wanted to forget, wanted to erase that beautiful porcelain skin from his memories.

he wanted to forget that addictive sensation of pleasure that traveled through him, reaching every vein in his body.

he just wanted to forget.

but he couldn't.

suddenly, taehyung hunched over, emptying the contents of stomach onto the pavement of the backyard.

this only served to annoy him as he remembered what the stranger had said about him being a lightweight.

added with the bloodloss, his stomach churned painfully at the emptiness, pathetically dry heaving.

once his stomach was deserted, taehyung slowly sat up, carefully placing his hand on his forehead to stop it from spinning.

all he wanted to do was go home. his body was so drained that he felt like he needed to hibernate for a least six months.

with one final glance back in the darkness, taehyung left, praying tonight was nothing more than a nightmare.

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