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taehyung felt like shit.

he woke up with the worst hangover in the history of hangovers.

he was parched, his body hot all over, and his joints protested with every movement.

with great struggle, he reached for his phone on the nightstand. seeing no notifications, he plopped the device back down.

taehyung recoiled at the subtle light shining through his curtains before he decided to lift himself up.

he threw the comforter off his body before sluggishly dragging his feet to the bathroom down the hall he shared with his roommates.

from a distance, he could hear a glass being dropped, the sharp shatter echoing through the apartment followed by a low fuck.

hoseok, he thought, rolling his eyes.

once he entered the bathroom, taehyung closed the door, locking it shut before looking at his reflection.

he froze.

last night's memories broke to the surface as he stared at the blossoming bruise on his throat. the wound extended from the base of his jaw all the way down past his collarbone.

it was a deep shade of purple, random specks of pink peeking through.

and right in the middle of it were two very distinct puncture holes.

taehyung frowned.

the man in the backyard, the blood. it was all real.

taehyung's breath turned shallow, his heart picking up speed before he realized his entire body was shaking.

a gasp escaped as he clutched his chest.

fuck, what was happening.

shakily, taehyung reached up to touch the wound surrounding the bite, flinching and immediately retracting his hand at the prominent sting.

taehyung tried to come up with any theory to explain this, but nothing stuck. surely any excuse was better than saying he got bit by a vampire, but nothing made sense.

all he could come up with is a sadistic cannibalistic psychopath.

but no human could've done what that man did to his neck.

no human could've brought him to that level of ecstasy and pain.

no human could've seduced taehyung to his own death.

and definitely no human could've drunk that much blood.

no human in his life had ever made him feel so submissive before.

still, he was having a hard time processing and believing it, but the incisions on his throat were evidence enough.

two taps to the door made taehyung jump up. he stared wide-eyed at the wooden barrrier.

"taehyung!" hoseok's jovial voice sounded. "hurry up, i gotta take a shit!"

taehyung opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out.

"taehyung!" hoseok knocked on the door again.

"damn it," taehyung muttered. how the hell was he supposed to explain this?

"i'm gonna count to three and this door better be open! one..."

his heart still racing, taehyung looked frantically around the bathroom in search of...well, anything.


quickly, taehyung snatched a robe hanging on the back of the door and wrapped his head in it, effectively covering his neck.

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