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the walk from yoongi's back to his apartment wasn't the quickest, but there was no way taehyung was going to that party.

even though he wore a thick jacket and a scarf, taehyung hadn't expected it to be so cool at night. the fabrics did little to nothing to ward off the chilly air.

the sky was covered in a thick fog, completly hiding the moon. the clouds looked ready to cry at any second.

so maybe he didn't fully think this through.

he didn't realize how nervous he would be walking the dark streets. a handful of streets did nothing to ease his worry.

it also didn't help that he felt like there were eyes watching his every move. he wanted to write it off as paranoia, but he was sure he was being watched.

the blonde kept his head down, watching his footsteps, attempting to avoid stepping on cracks.

but his nerves were ablaze.

fucking idiot, he thought to himself.

he should've just sucked it up and went to that stupid party.

sure, he would've been annoyed as hell, but it would've been better than walking through the dark filthy murk with his growing nauseating fear.

just a couple more blocks and you're home, he told himself. don't panic, everything's gonna be alright.

but the comforting thought vanished when he heard heavy footsteps behind him.

"hey, babe, where you headed?" an unfamiliar voice called from behind him.

the voice was low, as though years of smoking had withered the man's throat.

taehyung ignored him, continuing to walk. he shoved his hand deeper into his pockets and prayed it was just some drunk who missed the bus.

"i know you heard me," the voice called again.

taehyung clenched his fist in his pockets, refusing to look up from the pavement.

he picked up his pace, increasing his strides, not giving a damn if he were stepping on cracks anymore.

why was he always getting into trouble?

first the vampire, now this?

hundred of college students lived on this street, partying and loitering, and they all made it back to their place safely.

so why was taehyung so unlucky?

the footsteps grew heavier and louder, signaling to taehyung that the man was close behind and picking up speed.

his adrenaline began to kick in as he hastily marched to his apartment.

but it was useless.

the stranger lunged for the blonde, grabbing the back of taehyung's neck in a bruising grip, and dragged him to a nearby alley.

taehyung didn't have time to scream as he felt his heart sink.

the stranger slammed taehyung into the brick wall, caging the boy between his hairy arms.

"i-i don't have any money, i s-swear," taehyung pleaded, gasping when the man's hand ghosted over his side.

the man was much larger than taehyung, stronger too. he reeked of booze, piss, and vomit. a trio combination of disgust.

taehyung shrunk back when the man smiled, displaying his rotten teeth chipped away by tobacco and the lack of toothpaste.

the man snickered. "i don't want your money, pretty boy."

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