Chapter 6

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The next morning, I woke up feeling crappy and achy. I also knew I stinked so bad because I hadn't had a bath for two days. He had been driving the whole of yesterday and this morning, he stopped in front of a river leading to a hidden waterfall. I brought out my stuff from the big bag. He also bought food that will last us for a long time. I took my toothbrush and bath supplies from the bag too.

"I'm gonna freshen up so don't you dare spy on me." I pointed my finger at him and he rolled his eyes and took his toothbrush, getting out of the car. I took a black hoodie and new jean and got down too. I walked over to the river and dumped my clothes on a big stone and jumped into the water, not minding how cold it was. I cleaned myself up, satisfied with my neatness then got back to the truck while combing my hair. I met him eating tacos and I tucked my dirty clothes in my bag and joined him hungrily.

"Be careful there, you might finish our only source of food," he joked and I rolled my eyes and finished my tacos.

"Let's move on," he said and continued driving.

"Let's play 21 questions." I offered but he ignored me and continued driving.

"How old are you?" I asked but didn't get a reply. I scoffed and turned my face. There was no use talking to Killian. He was a killjoy, a party pooper, a buzz killer, a-

"17," he replied and I stared at him in shock.

"So he speaks!" I said excitedly at sat up, facing him.

"What's your birthday month?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's my turn," he said and I gave him a wide smile.

"When is your birthday?" He asked and a picture of Jerry cutting my neck appeared in front of me and I shook my head.

"25th of August." I replied and he nodded.

"Mine's June," he said referring to my question and I grinned. I was liking this.

"What's your hobby?" He asked and I thought of things I liked to do best and found none.

"I don't know." I replied and he narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head.

"What's your mom's name?" I asked and he gripped the wheel hard, his knuckles turning white.

"Dove," he replied and I nodded slowly. The name was beautiful.

"Your's," he asked and I smiled, hiding the pain in my chest.

"McKenna. She's a blonde like me." I answered and he stared at me for a few seconds and turned.

"How did Dove die?" I asked and he cussed profanities and stopped the car.

"What the fuck Killian? You need to stop doing that." I held my chest panting.

"Don't you ever, ask me questions about myself. Ever again!" He yelled and I flinched and turned to the window. Somehow his words hurt me. I cleaned the lone tear that fell from my eye. Was it this hard to make a friend. A friend that was so hot.

Night came and he parked the truck in front of a lake. We ignored each other. I had to strip off my clothes and wear his hoodie and sweatpants without asking. I closed my eyes pretending to sleep, watching as he loomed over me

"I'm sorry," he whispered and kissed my forehead, throwing a blanket over me. My cheeks reddedned and I became confused. Did he want me or not?


The sound of water splashing made me jolt up from my sleep. I yawned and removed the blanket off my body. Killian wasn't in the car so I took my toothbrush and clothes and got down from the truck, heading towards the lake. My eyes widened and I turned red as I saw him in the water, his back facing me. I went closer to a tree and began to brush.

"Sneaking upon a naked man is rude," his voice made me jump and I didn't reply. I was supposed to be mad at him for yesterday. I heard him coming closer to me and I turned around to find him in a black tanktop and jeans. I had my bath in the water and dressed up too.

"We're out of food." I reminded him and he nodded, eating the last bit of the tacos.

"I'll hunt for food," he said and turned on the truck which didn't work.

"You can hunt?" I asked and he nodded quickly, dismissing the topic. He turned on the truck again and it didn't roar to life. He checked the gas level and groaned. He hit the wheel and got down from the truck, slamming the door really hard.

"We're out of fucking gas!" He yelled and kicked the body of the truck. Tears stung my eyes in frustration and I packed my things in the smaller travel bag he bought. He opened the back door and began to pack his things too.

"What of the truck?" I asked him and got out of the truck.

"We go on foot," he muttered and took his bag, slamming the door. I closed mine too and walked up to him.

"But it's your truck. You can't leave it here." I said and he shook his head and started walking while I walked fast to keep up with his pace

"I stole it," he replied and I laughed.

"Can you at least be a gentleman and help me with this bag." I offered and he grunted in response.

"Bear your fucking cross," he said and I groaned.

"Asshole." I muttered and stared at my tired sneakers as I followed his footsteps, carrying the heavy bag. My head collided with a hard surface and I looked up to see Killian glaring hard on me.

"Could you walk any faster," he sneered and I snorted, very unladylike. Wonder what crawled up his ass. He snatched my bag effortlessly and walked away.

"Thanks for nothing." I told him but he ignored me. I was now able to keep up with his pace though he was still faster.

"I wish the dragon could help us right now." I mumbled absentmindedly and he stopped.

"There is no fucking dragon!" He yelled and I flinched but regained my normal composure.

"But there is," I started with folded arms. "Maybe it only likes me." I shrugged and he growled inhumanly. His eyes turned pitch black. I moved back slowly in fear, my knees bucking. He grinned evily, showing me elongated fangs. I palmed my mouth so I wouldn't scream out loud. What happened to the arrogant Killian I secretly had a crush on? Who was he? What was he?

"You're so persistent aren't you? Well good news Wrenly I'm the fucking dragon," he said, his voice deeper and my eyes widened at his confession. Everything clicked. He was the one who saved me. He was the dragon. Somehow, the thought of him stirred something inside my stomach. Butterflies?

"You want the beast in me out right? The fucking beast that killed three thousand people, with one breathe of fire. The beast that killed everyone I loved. You want it out, you want it to kill you!" He yelled, eyes filled with unshed tears and I found myself nodding yes. Did I really need help or a death wish? Something inside of me knew he wouldn't hurt me but again, it could be wrong. Killian could be right.

"I'm a killer. I'm a murderer. I'll fucking kill you," he said, his voice breaking and my heart ached. I shook my head no and in a moment, his body twisted and the dragon appeared in front of me.

Well your guesses were correct 🤭
Hope you all enjoyed this
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I love you all🖤🖤🖤

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